Report Designer

You must have designer rights to use this tool.

Note that data policies don't apply to users accessing reports built with the Report Designer. Reports query data sources directly, bypassing all data-policy restrictions.

This topic contains general guidelines for using the Report Designer. For detailed instructions, see the Xtraction Report Designer Guide, located on the Ivanti community website. This guide was written for a previous version of Xtraction but is still applicable for the most recent version of the product.

If you're an advanced user, you can use the Report Designer to create custom reports based on standard SQL statements that run outside of the Xtraction component framework. You determine the content to be included, though the default report format is limited to a tabular presentation within a grid.

You can set up reports with parameters that will prompt a user to enter required values before the report is generated. For example, to generate an incident report for a service desk, you could add parameters that prompt for an assigned group and a specific date range.

The design process can include an attached template that enables you to format the output to meet specific needs. Unlike a document, a report is a singular output without separate components.

Creating a report template

To provide custom formatting and structure for a report, you can design a template for the content using a separate template design tool for Xtraction called Report Builder. The current version can be downloaded from the Xtraction downloads page. You must be registered with Ivanti to access this page.

To run Report Builder, download it onto your computer and unzip it. The tool doesn't currently have an installer, so simply unzip the file to a folder and run ReportBuilder.exe from that folder.

After creating a report in Report Designer, you'll need to complete these general steps to apply a template to the content:

Export the report content to the Report Builder tool. (This step is part of the next procedure to create a template.)

Create a template in the tool for the report content.

Upload the template back into Xtraction and apply to the report content.