Adding and distributing a macOS application for Authenticate

After configuring Authenticate for an appropriate operating system , the user adds the Authenticate application in Ivanti Neurons for MDM.

Before you begin 

  • Download the PKG file for Authenticate from the Ivanti support site.


  1. In Ivanti Neurons for MDM, click Apps > App Catalog > Add.

  2. Select In-House from the drop-down.

  3. Click Choose File and upload the PKG file appropriately. Click Next.

  4. Enter the appropriate Category in the description page.

  5. (Optional) Add Screenshots appropriately.

  6. (Optional) Delegate this application if it should be inherited by newly created spaces.

  7. Choose any option to distribute the app between the appropriate users and click Next.

    1. Everyone

    2. No One

    3. Custom: Select Users or User Groups, Distribution Filter and view the App Distribution Summary.

  8. In App Configurations, configure the application as desired.

    1. Install on device: Allows specifying install settings for an application.

    2. Promotion: Defines how the app gets promoted and appears in the app catalog for specific groups or individuals.

    3. Per App VPN: Enables Per App VPN for the application such that it connects to enterprise services through native iOS/macOS capabilities or using Ivanti Tunnel app.

  9. Click Done.