Deregistering Ivanti Access from UEM

To stop using Ivanti Access with UEM, deregister the Access profile configured in the UEM and delete the UEM in Ivanti Access.

Deregistering the Access profile in UEM and deleting the UEM in Access can be done in any order. It is, however, important to do both.

Before you begin 

Ensure that the Access profile in UEM is no longer in use and that there is no data associated with the profile. This means that Enable Access is disabled in any Iavnti Tunnel VPN profile, AppConnect App Configuration, Docs@Work, or Web@Work configuration.


1. In the UEM, navigate to the Access profile.

In the Ivanti EPMM Admin Portal, go to Services > Access.

In Ivanti Neurons for MDM, go to Admin > Infrastructure > Access.

2. Click Deregister to remove the Access profile.

A Deregister Access Profile window displays.

3. Depending on your UEM, click Confirm or Deregister Access Profile to deregister.

Enter the Access Admin Username and Password to deregister.

4. In the Access administrative portal, click UEM.
5. Click Deletein the right panel to remove UEM.

The Delete UEM window appears.

6. Click Delete UEM.

UEM is removed from Ivanti Access.