Errors Report

Whenever a device connection to Ivanti Access fails, an error report is generated and displayed in Ivanti Access. Each row provides visibility into Source IP, Ivanti Tunnel Type, Error Domain, and Error Code.

To view the Errors report in Ivanti Access, click Reports > Errors. Reports are generated for the following error domains :

SSL_AUTH: Errors related to authentication. For example, an invalid certificate.

COMPLIANCE: Errors related to device reported in a non compliant state.

CONFIGURATION: Error in reading or processing tenant configuration update from Ivanti Access, or issues with local configuration of UEM.

CONNECTION: Errors while attempting to connect to Ivanti Access.

Figure 1. Error Report

You can filter the Error report data displayed in Ivanti Access Reports based on the following error domain:


For more information on search field, see Search in Ivanti Access reports.

Export error report

Export the error report to a .csv file for correlation.


1. In Ivanti Access, navigate to Reports > Errors.

The Error report displays.

2. Click Export at the right hand top corner.

The Export Reports window appears.

Figure 2. Export Reports

3. Click Export to confirm.

The report is exported to your local drive.