Camera, gallery, and media player warning messages

You can allow or prohibit secure apps on a device to do the following:

access camera photos from the app

access gallery images from the app

stream media from the app to a media player

If a capability is prohibited, if an app attempts to use the capability, a message displays indicating that the administrator has disabled the capability.

If you allow accessing camera photos from secure apps, when an app accesses the camera, the app displays a warning. The warning indicates that the photo will not be secured, and that a photo from an unsecured camera app may compromise secure data.

If you allow accessing gallery images from secure apps, when an app accesses an image, the app displays a warning. The warning indicates that the image will not be secured and that an image from an unsecured app may compromise secure data.

If you allow media streaming from secure apps, when an app is about to stream media, the app displays a warning. The warning indicates that media will be streamed outside the secure container.

The warnings also provide the option to turn off future warnings.