New features summary
These are cumulative new feature summaries. If a release does not appear in this section, then there were no associated new features and enhancements.

Extensible Single Sign-On (SSO) configuration to manage pasteboard permission pop-up: The pasteboard permission feature in iOS 16+ devices displays a notification pop-up asking the user permission before accessing the pasteboard content from another application. Whenever an AppConnect app switches to the client and back, during the normal AppConnect check-in process, a pasteboard pop-up appears.
The Extensible Single Sign-On configuration from the Core server lets you enable or suppress the banner or pop-ups from appearing on OS client and AppConnect applications. The AppConnect applications that do not support the Extensible Single Sign-on configuration will continue to use the pasteboard feature and display the banner or pop-up.
The server pushes the Extensible Single Sign-On configuration after the MDM profile is installed. During this interval of a few minutes, the SSO Extension does not work.
The pasteboard pop-up will continue to appear on iOS 16+ devices in the following scenarios:
If the device user performs copy or paste.
While generating AppConnect application logs (since the transmission of log files take place through pasteboard).
If Mobile@Work application or AppConnect application does not support the Extensible Single Sign-On configuration.
For more information, see Configuring iOS 16 compatibility for AppConnect quick start .
See also: KB article: iOS 16: "Don't Allow Paste" / "Allow Paste" pop-ups from AppConnect apps.

- New registration of Android 10+ devices limited to Android Enterprise or MAM-only modes: From Core version, Device Admin is restricted for new device registrations with Android OS 10 and above. However, for AppConnect, the Core administrator can register devices and SAM-wrapped apps by adding a new policy in Android Quick Setup and assign it to Android devices. For more information, see Configuring registration for Android devices with AppConnect using Android Quick Setup and "Working with Android Quick Setup policies" in the Core Device Management Guide for Android and Android Enterprise Devices.
- Content changes for rebranding and distribution: Product documentation has been rebranded to align with Ivanti standards and is now available on the Ivanti Product Documentation page.