Enabling device users to submit app ideas through Apps@Work

You can enable device users to submit app ideas through Apps@Work by enabling a feedback icon in Apps@Work. Tapping the feedback icon in Apps@Work opens a web page where users can enter their thoughts and ideas about the apps they install through Apps@Work, or new apps they would like to have available through Apps@Work.

When you enable this feature, you add the URL of the web page you want to display to users on tapping the feedback icon.


  1. Select Apps > Apps@Work Settings.
  2. Go to the App Storefront Feedback section.
  3. Select Enable feedback.
  4. In the text field that displays, enter the full URL of the page device users will use to provide feedback. The URL must include the protocol, such as http:// or https://, for example: https://www.example.com/appfeedback.

  5. Click Save.