Managing app categories (Android, iOS, macOS)

The Categories page allows you to create and manage app categories that are displayed in Apps@Work. You can organize App Catalog apps into categories that are displayed in Apps@Work. For example, you can assign all sales-related apps to the Sales app category, making it easy for salespeople to find the apps they need to use in Apps@Work.

For each app category, Ivanti EPMM shows the number of apps assigned to that category and the order in which the categories are displayed in Apps@Work.

Managing app categories involves the following tasks:

Before you begin 

Make sure you have the correct permissions for managing app categories.


  1. Select Admin > Admins, then select the administrator user whose permissions you want to change.
  2. Select Actions > Edit Roles.
  3. Select App Management > Import and edit app.
  4. Click Save.

Adding an app category for Apps@Work (Android, iOS, macOS)

You can create categories to help organize apps for display in Apps@Work. For each category, you can add a name, description, and image.


  1. Select Apps > Categories.
  2. Click Add+.
  3. Configure the following:
    • Name: Enter a meaningful name for the app category.
    • Description: Enter a meaningful description for the app category.
    • Category Icon: Click Replace Icon to choose an image for the app category (JPEG, GIF, or PNG files only).
  4. Click Save.

Editing or deleting an app category for Apps@Work (Android, iOS, macOS)

You can edit or delete an existing app category from Apps@Work.

You can only delete an app category if there are no apps assigned to that category.


  1. Select Apps > Categories.
  2. Select the category you want to edit or delete.
  3. To edit a category, select Actions > Edit. Make the changes you desire and click Save.
  4. To delete a category, select Actions > Delete.

Changing the display order of app categories in Apps@Work (Android, iOS, macOS)

Given at least two app categories, you can change the order in which app categories are displayed in Apps@Work.


  • Select Apps > Categories.
  • Drag and drop a given category in the order you want it to appear.