Revoking licenses
You can revoke all licenses for a given app. Alternatively, you can revoke a license for a given app from a specific device.
- Revoking all licenses for an Apple licensed app
- Revoking a license for an Apple licensed app from a specific device
Revoking all licenses for an Apple licensed app
You can revoke all licenses for a given Apple licensed app.
- Log into In Ivanti EPMM.
- Select Apps > App Catalog.
- Use the check box to select the app to apply device-based licensing to.
Select Actions > Manage Licenses.
The License Summary page opens, listing the registered Apple licensed accounts for the specified app.
- Click the desired account. The License Detail page displays. Note that the number of Available Licenses and Used Licenses is listed at the top of the page.
- Click the Revoke All Licenses button.
- Click Confirm.
Revoking a license for an Apple licensed app from a specific device
You can revoke a license for a given Apple licensed app from a specific device.
- Log into In Ivanti EPMM.
- Select Apps > App Catalog.
- Use the check box to select the app that contains the device-based licensing.
Select Actions > Manage Licenses.
The License Summary page opens, listing the registered Apple licensed accounts for the specified app.
- Click the desired account. The License Detail page displays. Note that the number of Available Licenses and Used Licenses is listed at the top of the page.
- Expand the Licenses Distribution Details section.
- From the list of devices displayed, select the device whose license you want to revoke.
- Click Revoke.