Viewing installed apps

The Apps > Installed Apps page displays the apps that Ivanti EPMM has detected on managed devices. Only the apps that were installed on devices after the manufacturer’s image was loaded are listed. The privacy policy assigned to a device can determine whether or not the device reports its installed apps to Ivanti EPMM.

Administrators must have managed apps role in order to see this option.

This section includes the following sub-sections:

Ivanti EPMM does not support viewing installed apps for MAM-only iOS devices.

What’s in an app name?

The app names displayed on the Installed Apps page are the names reported by the apps installed on managed devices, not the name you assigned when you added an app to the App Catalog. Therefore, if you are looking for an app you know is installed, but you cannot find it, make sure you are looking for the correct name. Note that any control characters found in the reported app name are converted to spaces in Ivanti EPMM, and app names are stored without regard to case.

Synchronizing app inventory

App inventory data is updated based on the Sync Interval specified in the Sync policy. Therefore, inventory changes on the device are not reflected in real time on the Installed Apps page. During testing, you can use one of the following methods to decrease the amount of time it will take to update the inventory:

  • Decrease the Sync Interval in the Sync policy
  • Use the Force Device Check-in feature in the Ivanti EPMM Admin Portal (for supported platforms). Go to Devices & Users > Devices; select the device and click Actions > Force Device Check-in.
  • Use the Connect Now/Check for Updates/Refresh feature in the client (for supported platforms)
  • Check for updated configurations (for iOS)

Determining which apps devices will report

The Privacy policy assigned to a device determines whether the device reports its installed apps. If the Apps option in the privacy policy is set to None, then installed apps data for the device do not appear in the App Catalog.

Also note that changing the setting Apps to None in the Sync policy drops the current inventory data. Setting Apps back to Sync Inventory re-enables inventory reporting for iOS (with timing governed by the Sync Interval specified in the sync policy). For all other platforms, you must make a change in the app distribution or reboot the device in order to restart the inventory process.

App filters for iOS installed apps

The App Filters feature in the Privacy policy allows you to control which iOS apps are reported on the Installed Apps page. Select a choice in the iOS Installed App Inventory drop-down to set the device to report only iOS managed apps or a list of apps that the administrator specifies. All other apps on the user’s device are not reported to Ivanti EPMM, providing additional privacy to the device user.

Filtering the App Catalog inventory view

In the Apps Catalog, you can filter the inventory display by:

  • Label
  • Source
  • Platform

For example, to display iOS apps that are on company-owned devices and contain the letter “A”, you would select iOS from the Platform list, select Company-Owned from the Labels list, and enter A in the Search by Name field. Clicking the Search button begins the search.

Click Reset to clear the search results.

Displaying the devices on which an app is installed

Each app entry on the Installed Apps page includes the number of devices on which the app has been installed in the Devices Installed column. The displayed number is a link. Click the link to display a list of the devices on which the app is installed.

Basic searching in Installed Apps page

The Device Details section of the Installed Apps page displays information about devices, but also allows administrators to take actions.


  1. In the Ivanti EPMM Admin Portal, select Apps > Installed Apps.
  2. Select the Source and the Platform.
  3. Locate the app
  4. Use the search box or sort columns to quickly find the app you want.
  5. Click the number link in the Devices Installed column.

In addition to viewing the device details, you can take the following actions from this page:

  • Send Message to a device
  • Force Device check-in
  • Retire a device

You can also view apps installed on a device by going to the Device Details page and clicking on the Apps tab.

For Windows 10 devices with more than 100 apps, the App inventory is updated in the database.

Running an advanced search of Installed Apps

Export Installed Apps data from the App Catalog

You can manage data easier by exporting app data installed on devices to an Excel spreadsheet.


  1. In the Ivanti EPMM Admin Portal, select Apps > App Catalog.
  2. Select the Source and the Platform.
  3. Locate the app.
  4. Use the search box or sort columns to quickly find the app you want.
  5. Click the number link in the Devices Installed column to open the Device Details page.
  6. Click Export to CSV to create an Excel spreadsheet containing the details of the selected app.
  7. Locate the .csv file, open, modify, and save, as necessary.
    The exported spreadsheet contains the following information:
    • Device UUID
    • User Name
    • User ID
    • Platform
    • Model
    • Mobile Number
    • Device Space
    • App Version
    • Managed
    • App Name
    • App Identifier

Managing app inventory