Creating Administrator roles

This section covers Administrator roles used in Ìvanti EPMM.

Administrator types

For delegated administration, Ivanti EPMM is managed by two types of administrators.

  • Global Administrators, who also manage devices throughout your Ivanti EPMM system. These administrators are assigned to the global space and can be assigned any roles.
  • Device Space Administrators, who manage only the devices and users assigned to the device spaces to which they are assigned. For example, an administrator assigned to the Dallas Help Desk device space can only manage devices assigned to that device space. The roles that can be assigned to Device Space Administrators are limited. For example, Device Space Administrators, if assigned the correct role, can view configurations or apply and remove configurations from a label. Device Space Administrators, can create and edit configurations and apps. Device Space Administrators can only add, search, or view users and devices that belong in their own space. They can also send messages to devices and apps within their own space.

For complete information about roles and actions available to each type of administrator, see “Administrator roles” in Getting Started with Ivanti EPMM.