Terms of service

You can optionally define terms of service text to be displayed to users during:

  • Device registration on iOS, macOS, Android, and Windows devices.

  • Logging into AppConnect apps on iOS and Android devices.

Device users must accept the terms of service before they can continue with registration or with accessing AppConnect apps.

You can search for users by terms of service acceptance and date of acceptance. You can create one terms of service agreement for each supported language. The same terms of service text is used for both registration and AppConnect app access.

Regarding terms of service during registration:

  • Presenting the terms of service is part of the registration process when using Mobile@Work. Users must accept the terms of service agreement in order to complete registration.

  • Configuring a terms of service agreement or updating it applies only to users who register after you complete the configuration. Previously registered users do not accept the terms of service agreement. However, you can require existing users to accept the terms of service agreement by retiring their devices and requesting them to re-register.

  • If both custom terms of service and the privacy policy are enabled, users will have to accept the privacy policy first.

Regarding terms of service for accessing AppConnect apps:

  • In addition to providing the terms of service text, you must enable terms of service on the AppConnect global policy.

  • Also on the AppConnect global policy, you indicate whether:
    • Users must accept the terms of service each time they are prompted for their AppConnect passcode or biometric authentication. If you update the terms of service text for a user's language, the user sees the updated text on all subsequent AppConnect logins.

    • The user must accept the terms of service only once. However, if you update the terms of service text for a user's language, on the next AppConnect login, the user is prompted once more to accept the terms of service.

  • If you delete the terms of service, but do not disable it on the AppConnect global policy, users continue to be prompted to accept the terms of service with whatever the last terms of service text was.

  • For information about enabling terms of service when logging into AppConnect apps, see "Configuring the AppConnect global policy" in the AppConnect Guide for EPMM.

Creating a terms of service agreement

Before you begin 

Set up the system default language as described in Setting the system default language .

If there is no terms of service available in the primary language of a given device, or if more than one agreement is defined for more than one device language on a device, the terms of service agreement defaults to the system default language.


  1. In the Admin Portal, go to Settings > System Settings > Users & Devices > Registration.

  2. Scroll down to the End User Terms of Service section.

  3. Click Add+.

  4. Select the language for the terms of service.

  5. For Type, select System for iOS, macOS and Android devices. Select AAD enrollment for Windows devices.

  6. Enter the text for the terms of service.

    You can adjust the editor to use rich or plain text by clicking the Source Edit icon.

  7. Click Save.

  8. Optionally, repeat steps 3 through 6 to add a terms of service agreement for each supported language, and for Windows devices versus iOS, macOS, and Android devices.

To edit a terms of service agreement, click the Edit link next to the relevant language.

To delete a terms of service agreement, click the Delete button next to the relevant language.

Searching for devices by terms of service agreement criteria

You can search for devices based on whether users have agreed to the terms of service, and the date on which terms of service were accepted.

The following table describes the searchable criteria related to terms of service. Corresponding fields are displayed on each device's Device Details tab.

Table 7.  Searchable criteria for terms of service



Terms of Service Accepted

A false value means the user did not accept the terms of service at registration, which means the device was registered before a terms of service agreement was required, or a terms of service agreement was never configured.

A true value indicates the device user accepted the terms of service agreement at registration.

Terms of Service Accepted Date

Filters for the exact time users accepted the terms of service agreement at registration. This search is useful if you want to locate the version of the terms of service agreement accepted by a specific user for a particular device.

AppConnect Terms of Service

The value DECLINED means the user did not accept the terms of service for using AppConnect, which means the device user logged into AppConnect before a terms of service agreement was required, or a terms of service agreement was never configured.

The value ACCEPTED  indicates the device user accepted the terms of service agreement when logging into AppConnect.

AppConnect Terms of Service Date

Filters for the exact time users accepted the terms of service agreement when logging into AppConnect. This search is useful if you want to locate the version of the terms of service agreement accepted by a specific user for a particular device.


  1. In the Admin Portal, go to Devices & Users > Devices.

  2. Click Advanced Search.

  3. Add one or more of the search rules regarding terms of service.
    1. From the Field drop-down list, select the field of interest:

      • Common Fields > Terms of Service Accepted.

      • Common Fields > Terms of Service Accepted Date.

      • Common Fields > AppConnect Terms of Service.

      • Common Fields > AppConnect Terms of Service Date.

    2. Provide the appropriate value:

      • Terms of Service Accepted: Select true or false in the Select Value field.

      • Terms of Service Accepted Date: Enter the number of units in the Value field and select the units (such as days, weeks, or months) in the Date field.

      • AppConnect Terms of Service. Enter ACCEPTED or DECLINED in the Value field

      • AppConnect Terms of Service Date. Enter the number of units in the Value field and select the units (such as days, weeks, or months) in the Date field.

      The search criteria you selected are displayed in the search field.

  4. Click Search.

  5. The results are displayed.

  6. Optionally, save your search to a label by clicking Save to Label.

  7. If Notes for Audit Logs is enabled, a text dialog box opens. Enter the reason for the change and then click Confirm. For more information, see Best practices: label management.

Terms of Service for users

Device users can easily scroll through and accept an administrator-defined terms of service agreement in their web browser or Mobile@Work client, as in the following example.

Figure 1. Terms of Service for users