Remote activation of enhanced logging for iOS Ivanti Mobile@Work
The ability to remotely enable enhanced logging helps managers monitor devices where the nature of an issue is intermittent or random. This option allows the manager to enable enhanced logging remotely using the device manager for a set of devices in order to collect the logging needed, and then to disable the feature once finished. This feature is currently supported in Ivanti EPMM and later.
This feature is engaged as a command or action off of the device menu and will be sent to the iOS Ivanti Mobile@Work client.
- At the Device Menu: go to Actions > More Actions > Enhanced Logging
- Dialog appears with Enable enhanced logging or Disable enhanced logging options as well as a location to identify the devices and a place to make Notes.
- Enter the devices to be engaged.
- Select whether Enable or Disable the functionality.
- Make any Notes needed for your project.
- Accept the changes.
If enabled, a new property will be sent from the Client, EnhancedLoggingEnabled, with True/False as the options. The property is available for labels, advanced search, and shown in the device details.
If this is not sent, DO NOT set a default as that means the value is unknown, the client is older.