Purebred certificate signing

The Docs@Work app now supports third-party PDF signing using the Purebred Digital Signing Certificate. The Docs@Work detects the PUREBRED_CERT_ALIAS KVP and displays the attention window to select the Purebred certificates.

Before you begin 

Ensure that Purebred app and certificates are available on the mobile device


To enable Purebred certificate, configure the PUREBRED_CERT_ALIAS key-value pair.

  1. In the Admin Portal, go to Apps > App Catalog > Edit.
  2. Edit the Signing Certificate field, add the $PUREBRED_CERT_ALIAS$ key-value to enabled Purebred certificate.
  3. Distribute the update to the mobile devices.
  4. Click Ok.
  5. On your mobile device, open the Docs@Work app Settings. New section Purebred is added with Choose New Signing Certificate option.