New features summary
These are cumulative feature summaries. If a release does not appear in this section, then there were no associated new features and enhancements.

Docs@Work app features and enhancements
- File Activity added: The File Activity option is added to the Docs@Work home page, to view the status of downloaded and uploaded files. You can view the downloaded and uploaded files under the Download History and Upload History sections. For more information, see File Activity.
Support for multiple file import: The Docs@Work app now supports multiple file import.
Support for multiple file download: The Docs@Work app now supports multiple file download through File Activity.
Docs@Work administrator features and enhancements
This release does not include new administrator features and enhancements.

Docs@Work app features and enhancements
- Android 12 compatibility: The Docs@Work app is compatible with Android 12.
- Support for .TIFF and .TIF files: The Docs@Work app now supports .TIFF and .TIF files.
- Support to share multiple files added: The Docs@Work app now supports multiple files share with other apps such as Email+.
- Support for Hungarian language: The Docs@Work app now supports Hungarian language.
- Support added to share annotated PDF files: The Docs@Work app supports sharing an annotated PDF file (unsaved) with other apps. For example, the Email+app.
Docs@Work administrator features and enhancements
This release does not include new administrator features and enhancements.
For more information on supported and compatible version, see the Support and Compatibility section.