Key-value pairs for customization Ivanti Email+ for iOS (Cont.)

You can configure and customize the following features with key-value pairs:

Table 1. key-value pairs for customization


Value: Enter/ Select one


Prompt the device user for password

(Ivanti EPMM only)

  • true
  • false

true: Email+ prompts the user for the email password before attempting to connect to the email server. When Email+ first launches and connects to the email server, Email+ provides the user’s email password to the email server.

false: When Email+ first launches and connects to the email server, it does not provide the device user’s email password to the server. After establishing a connection with the email server, Email+ prompts the user for an email password. If the email server limits the number of password attempts, it counts the connection as one failed attempt.

Set the value of this key to true if the email server allows only a small number of password attempts. Example: It he email server allows only three attempts, setting this value to true ensures that device users get three attempts, not two attempts.

Default if key-value is not configured: false


  • 0
  • 1

0 = users are allowed access without a prompt for a password.

1 = users are prompted for a password to access email.

Default if key-value is not configured: 1.

mail_password (Ivanti EPMM only)

User’s password for the ActiveSync server

You can use the Ivanti EPMM variable $PASSWORD$ if you have checked Save User Password in Settings > Preferences. Ivanti EPMM then passes the user’s password as the value to the device.

If you plan to use the $PASSWORD$ variable, be sure to set Save User Password to Yes before any device users register. If a device user was registered before you set Save User Password, Email+ prompts the user to enter the password manually.

Ivanti recommends deleting the key if the password is not being saved on Ivanti EPMM.

Default if key-value is not configured: Email+ requests device users to enter the password.

Keyboard extension


  • true
  • false

true: Email+ allows the use of keyboards extensions.

false: Email+ does not allow the use of keyboards extensions.

This key-value pair is case sensitive.

Default if key-value is not configured: false.

Enable Show Pictures

(Ivanti EPMM only)

  • true
  • false

true: Enables the Show Pictures option. Device users automatically see images when opening an email.

false: Disables the Show Pictures option. Device users must tap Show Pictures to view images when opening an email.

Device users can override the value you configure by toggling the Show Pictures option on or off.

When changing the value of this key, Email+ does not change the Show Pictures option until after completing a full synchronization. A full synchronization occurs only when you change certain fundamental key-value pairs, like email_address, or when the device user uninstalls and reinstalls Email+ for iOS.

Default if key-value is not configured: false.

Photo library


  • true
  • false

true: Users can attach photos and video files from their personal photo library on the device.

false: Disables access to the personal photo library, including video files, from Email+. Device users cannot attach photos or videos from their personal photo library. However, users can take new photos or videos directly from the email they are composing in Email+ and attach to the email.

This feature allows administrators to clearly separate work-related and personal content on device.

Default if key-value is not configured: true.

Calendar customization


  • -1
  • 0
  • 5
  • 10
  • 15
  • 30
  • 60
  • 120
  • 1440
  • 2880

Specifies the default calendar alert:

  • -1: No alert
  • 0: At the time of event
  • 5: 5 minutes before the event
  • 10: 10 minutes before the event
  • 15: 15 minutes before the event
  • 30: 30 minutes before the event
  • 60: 1 hour before the event
  • 120: 2 hours before the event
  • 1440: 1 day before the event
  • 2880: 2 days before the event

Device users can edit the alert as desired after creating the event.

Default if key-value is not configured: -1.


  • day
  • week
  • month
  • list

Sets the default Calendar view on an iPad.

Device users can change the view in the Calendar's Settings. The device user’s choice overrides the default set by the administrator.

Default if key-value is not configured: week.


  • day
  • month
  • list

Sets the default Calendar view on an iPhone.

Device users can change the view in the Calendar's

Settings. The device user’s choice overrides the default set by the administrator.

Default if key-value is not configured: day.


A number

Sets the inactivity threshold after which the calendar view is reset to the default view.

The inactivity threshold is measured in seconds.

If the device screen is auto-locked or the app is in background for more than the configured time, the default view is loaded when users launch Calendar.

Default if key-value is not configured: 120 seconds.

Notes customization


  • true
  • false

true: Email+ users are presented with a separate title field to add a title to a note.

false: A separate title field for a notes is not available, instead, the first line of the note is used as a title.

Default if key-value is not configured: false.

Default network timeout


A positive integer

Sets the app’s default timeout for all ActiveSync network requests. The value is measured in seconds.

Example: 30. In this example, for ActiveSync network requests, Email+ will timeout after 30 seconds.

Default if key-value is not configured: 90 seconds

App feedback

(Ivanti EPMM only)

An email address

Device user app feedback and log messages are sent to the email address.

Default if key-value is not configured: App feedback is not available to Email+ users.

Email watermark


Any alphanumeric string

Adds watermark in an email for mail view and mail compose screens supported. The text for the watermark is unique to a customer.


  • textColor,
  • textSize,
  • horizontalSpacing,
  • verticalSpacing


textColor is #AARRGGBB and textSize, horizontalSpacing, and verticalSpacing are integer values.

Sets the watermark parameters such as text color, size, horizontal and vertical spacing.


(Ivanti EPMM only)

  • true
  • false

true: Email+ logs data to the device console, and allows the log file to be attached to a feedback email. Entering true is useful for problem diagnosis.

Default if key-value is not configured: false.


  • true
  • false

true: Enables the display of configuration information while setting up Email+ on an iOS device. Set this value to true for test devices first, then disable the key value pair when it is time to roll out Email+ for iOS to device users.

Default if key-value is not configured: false.


  • true
  • false
  • true: Email+ simply shuts down without any notification if there is an error in the Email+ configuration that is pushed to the device.

  • false: If Email+ encounters an error in the configuration, device users are provided with the option to email the Email+ logs. The Email+ logs are helpful in debugging configuration errors.

Not all configuration errors are considered critical.
Example: A missing S/MIME signing or encryption certificate is not considered a critical error.

Default if key-value is not configured: true


  • true
  • false
  • true: Enables calendar dump to Email+ feedback logs for troubleshooting. Calendar data is encrypted.

  • false: Disables calendar dump to Email+ feedback logs.

Default if key-value is not configured: false



  • move_button
  • local_cache_mail
  • local_cache_calendar
  • local_cache_all
  • attach_files
  • openin_compose
  • document_viewer
  • email_priority_support
  • modern_mail_list

With the disabled_features key-value pair the admin can disable the values that are enabled by default:

  • move_button: Disables the Move button in the Move to screen in Email+. Emails are moved without confirmation when users tap on a folder.
  • local_cache_mail: Disables local caching of email addresses from mail (recipients from To, Cc, Bcc fields will not be added to local cache).
  • local_cache_calendar: Disables local caching of email addresses from calendar (recipients from Invitees field will not be added to local cache).
  • local_cache_all: Disables all local caching.
  • attach_files: Disables the Attach Files option in Email+.
  • openin_compose: Disables opening of files into Email+ from other apps.
  • document_viewer: Disables opening of attachments in Email+. Instead, users are provided the Open In ... option to choose an app in which to view the attachment. However, some attachments, such as text, .eml, audio, and certificate files are opened in Email+. The Email+ app does not support .msg file attachments in Open In option. Configure the value if you are also using the Watermark capability in Docs@Work. If you want watermarks to be shown on all documents, configure the value to disable the document viewer in Email+ and use Docs@Work exclusively.
  • email_priority_support: Disables the priority setting for emails.
  • modern_mail_list: Disables new mail list is, this feature is enabled by default.


  • gmail_smart_folders
  • rms_support
  • fit_to_width
  • smime_suppress_certificate_email_check
  • calendar_delegation
  • personal_calendar

  • delegated_shared_mailbox

With the enabled_features key-value pair, the admins can enable the values that are disabled by default.

  • Enables smart folders, All mails, Spam, and Starred, for Gmail accounts.
  • Enables fetching, displaying and composing of the protected messages. If rms_support is enabled with configured server, list of fetched templates is displayed in Settings/Troubleshooting/Available Permissions. Due to ActiveSync protocol limitations, maximum of 20 templates are displayed in Email+.
  • Enables scaling down the size of an email to fit the width of the screen, but will not reduce it to less than 25% of its original size.
  • Enables automatic certificate verification using email address is suppressed and the user can manually add a certificate from GAL and Keystore using "Add Encryption Certificate" option.

    The smime_suppress_certificate_email_check feature works only when the modern_sync_engine value is configured for the enabled_features key-value pair.

  • Enables the delegated calendar
  • personal_calendar: To enable personal calendar function. This feature is enabled only for Modern Sync Engine which was enabled by default from Email+ 4.4.0 release onwards.

  • delegated_shared_mailbox: To enable the following options in the Settings section:

    • Delegated Mailbox

    • Delegated Calendar

    • Shared Mailbox


  • true
  • false

Use this option to set the default value for Email+ setting of Always Fetch MIME. Enable this option only when applications fail to launch when you click the links in the email body.

Default if key-value is not configured: false


  • true
  • false

Use this option to disable CallKit functionality, which is restricted in China by Apple. Customers are advised to set allow_callkit to false for all their users in China.

True - CallKit functionality enabled

False - CallKit functionality disabled

Default if key-value is not configured: true


  • true
  • false

Use this option to disable crash analytics.

Default if key-value is not configured: false


A unique, sufficiently complex alphanumeric string.

This key allows admin to enable sharing documents securely between Docs@Work and Microsoft IntuneMAM protected Office365 apps through FilePass.

The value for this key-value pair needs to be same for the all the supported productivity apps (Docs@Work, Email+, and FilePass) participating in File Sharing with Microsoft Office 365 apps.


The value is the previous email_exchange_host key that was set up on Ivanti EPMM.

This key allows the admin to configure Ivanti EPMM to Ivanti Neurons for MDM migration for the email exchange host.

Post-migration of a device, the Email+ app needs to be re-synced to continue receiving and sending email messages. The content in local folders, such as Draft and Outbox, will be removed and no longer available. The Inbox folder should be refreshed for the email list to display.


The recommended value is 400.​​

This KVP is added to specify the throttling limit as X requests per 10 minutes, where X is the KVP value.


  • true
  • false

The encryption logic for the Email+ 4.10.1 is now improved and enhanced. In case of any issues related to this update, it can now be rolled back by setting the implicit_encryption = true key-value pair in the AppConnect configuration

Microsoft Office 365 authority and resource URL


This KVP is added to specify Microsoft Office 365 authority url.


This KVP is added to specify Microsoft Office 365 resource url.

Phishing reporting


email address

Enabling 'Report Phishing' option on View screen in the "More" menu. Phishing email will be sent to email address set in value.

Weekend alerts


  • true
  • false

The Email+ app now supports weekend alert notification for new users by default.

When a user installs the app the first time or after the application is reinstalled after the app was wiped, the "Weekend Alerts" would be set to notifications_default_weekend_alerts value. (The reinstall of Email+ app will have no impact as Weekend Alerts settings are stored in KeyChain).

The default is set to true

Mail organization


  • true
  • false

Disables email threading for email messages. When a user installs the app for the first time or after the application wipe, the "Organize By Thread"is set to organize_by_date opposite value.

Avaya Workplace dialer app


  • avaya_workplace
  • native

When "avaya_workplace" value is selected, the Avaya Workplace app is used as a default dialer app.

Native dialer is used as the default value, if Avaya Workplace dialer is not available or installed.

In the Email+app Settings > Contacts "Default dialer" option is available with pre-selected default dialer.


  • avaya_workplace

The allowed_dialers kvp allows the Email+ app to use the Avaya Workplace dialer app as the default dialer along with the native dialer.


  • true
  • false

This key allows the admin to open links in the associated application(like native iOS-Mail-App). If the value is set to false the link opens in the Web@Work app.