Overview of configuration on Ivanti Neurons for MDM

This section provides an overview of the steps required to set up Email+ for real-time push notifications on Ivanti Neurons for MDM. Depending on your authentication requirements, use one of the following setup to tunnel Exchange Web Services (EWS) traffic:


Using Tunnel to tunnel EWS traffic (Ivanti Neurons for MDM)

This section provides the main steps for configuring real-time notifications with Email+ for iOS on Ivanti Neurons for MDM if you are using Tunnel to tunnel EWS traffic.

Before you begin 


1. Set up Tunnel.

See Ivanti Tunnel for iOS Guide to set up Tunnel on Ivanti Neurons for MDM.

Email+ must be an MDM managed app so that it can use Tunnel.

2. If your EWS setup uses either NTLM, modern auth or identity certificates for authenticating to the EWS service, create a SCEP certificate enrollment setting. Skip this step if your EWS setup uses basic authentication.

See Configuring Identity certificate setting.

3. Update the Email+ app configuration.

See Updating the app configuration for Ivanti Email+.

Using AppTunnel to tunnel EWS traffic (Ivanti Neurons for MDM)

This section provides the main steps for configuring real-time notifications with Email+ for iOS on Ivanti Neurons for MDM if you are using AppTunnel to tunnel EWS traffic.

Before you begin 


1. Add a custom HTTP service to the Standalone Sentry profile.

See Configuring a custom HTTP service.

2. Update the Email+ app configuration.

See Updating the app configuration for Ivanti Email+.