Known issues
These are cumulative release notes. If a release does not appear in this section, then there were no associated known issues.
1511983: When scrolling up and down the Calendar events display in three day view might not show the start of day or end of day but stays where the scroll was stopped.
1511861: In some cases the three day Calendar view tasks might get distorted or move when you continuously scroll up and down or right to left.
1467920: For Calendar folders, the user can select or deselect the Calendar folders. So for the selected Calendar folders, when the Calendar re-sync happens then the selected Calendar folders are unselected.
APIM-9440: When an email is present in outbox and permission of Delegated Mailbox is downgraded from Author/Editor to Reviewer then mail in outbox would be moved to draft folder of Delegated and Primary mailbox.
APIM-9430: Attachment is removed from the Drafts folder when the draft From field is switched from Delegated Mailbox to Primary.
APIM-9421: Intermittently user might get an overlapping Waiting for Sync message.
APIM-9381: When upgrading from Email+ 4.8.0 or 4.9.0, the Email+ app the Private mail permission is not updated when user performs a local search or Inbox. But once they remove and add the delegated mailbox (DM) then the latest permission of Private mails are updated to DM.
APIM-9324: Even after responding as "No" to one of occurrence for a recurring invite (for example: Daily or Weekly or Monthly) the occurrence is not deleted in user calendar screen.
APIM-9313: The localization for Calendar and Contact labels in name tab for Dutch (Netherland) language was not correct. This issue has been fixed.
APIM-8384: Junk characters are displayed when clicking on telephone number in Calendar invite.
- APIM-9269: The Email+ app might stop responding with the following error message: Clear Cache for Email+
APIM-9244: When activating a new multiple accounts (new install or clean app data), the Email+ app might stay longer on the Email+ launch screen than expected.
APIM-9220: When the Email+ app is in doze mode, syncing of multiple accounts will take longer than expected to sync once the Email+ app is launched. This is Android native behavior when device is in doze mode.
- APIM-9110: For some Calendar events the 'No Response' status includes organizer name also.
- APIM-9108: After upgrading to Email+ 4.8.0 for Delegated Calendar recurring events, the 'No Response' status includes organizer name.
Workaround: After upgrading to Email+ 4.8.0, remove and add the delegated calendar gain to fix this issue.
APIM-9095: Delegated Mailbox mails are not synced in real time when Email+ app is not in background.
APIM-9088: In some cases, when adding an attachment to a Delegated Calendar invite close to the max permitted attachment size of server or Email+ configuration. The Email+ app might display the "Mailbox full or message is too large..." pop-up even when the attachment size is less than the permitted size.
The mail is successfully sent.
- APIM-9079: For Delegated Mailbox, no server search results are displayed if query is up to three characters only.
- APIM-9077: The organizer details are displayed twice in "To" field when using the "Reply all" option.
- APIM-9065: Application not responding error is displayed, when using the edit or reply all option for a calendar invite which has more than 200 attendees.
APIM-8897: In some cases, the Message list and Message view becomes empty periodically for delegated mailbox.
APIM-8896: The new Email+ AppConnect app thumbnail is not update under the App Catalogue in the Ivanti Neurons for MDM.
APIM-8891: In some cases, "Access Denied. It can happen due to insufficient permissions" message is displayed for delegated calendar when editing or canceling an occurrence for the received invite by the delegated calendar owner.
APIM-8883: The 'Setup could not finish' notification does not appear when there is invalid configuration.
APIM-8882: The range of synced emails for Delegated mailbox account for One week setting in Day to sync is one day less.
APIM-8878: The second new email is duplicated for Delegated Mailbox when the Wi-Fi is turned On deleting the first mail (Intermittent server issue).
APIM-8874: The value set for "Day to sync" setting for Delegated mailbox account does not match the value that was set in the "email_default_sync_period" key-value pair or Default sync period restriction and is the same as for Primary account at the moment when Delegated mailbox was added to the Email+ app.
APIM-8825: Max sync and Default sync period is not applied to Delegated Mailbox.
- APIM-8430: Previously edited occurrences of the recurrent events are duplicated when you edit all events in the series.
- APIM-8287: The calendar events are not synced when the server returns prohibited symbols in response to sync events.
- APIM-8283: The delegated calendar events might not sync if the delegation level is Reviewer or Author level permissions.
- APIM-8278: The content in delegated event description is displayed with tags on the Edit screen and as a formatted text on the View screen when richtext_event_support is disabled.
- APIM-8121: The certificate might still get displayed in the list under the username even after the certificate was removed from the username.
- APIM-8019: If the device language is set as Turkish, then the Email+ 4.2.0 app does not display the login screen.
- APIM-7727: The Email+ app stops responding when you create a new event or open an existent event on Samsung S8 device running on Android 7 version.
- APIM-7720: The Calendar event might not open when Calendar notification is tapped. This happens because the password prompt is not displayed when SAM is logged out.
Workaround: To open the Calendar events using the notifications, enter the passcode in SAM by tapping on Secure Apps Manager app or Email+ app.
- APIM-7664: When the Email+ app is configured with Modern Authentication and the value for email_exchange_host kvp is changed from "exchange server" to "sentry" then the following issues are observed:
- the notes and tasks might fail to sync.
- the account icon and display name is not displayed.
Workaround: From the Android device, delete and reopen the Email+ app from the Recent apps page.
- APIM-7601: The Email+ app does not display an error message when there is no supported app available to open an attachment when tapped on the download notification.
- APIM-7544: The Email+ app might display deleted mails in the inbox.