These are cumulative release notes. If a release does not appear in this section, then there were no associated limitations.

- 1503489: When the Calendar folder names are updated or renamed using the Microsoft Outlook desktop app, these folder names are not updated to OWA or Outlook mobile app or Email+ app.
- 1434518 – In the Calendar app for month view, the letters in the day name were partially hidden even when the font and display size were selected in the Android settings. This is a native Android behavior.

- 1422515: Intermittently its observed that sync process for calendar events is interrupted in Office 365 and server is not syncing the events data in that case in Email+ we would still be seeing "Sync in progress" message in Inbox screen. This is Microsoft server limitation.
1202719: When user accepts one occurrence from OWA for received recurring invite, the Email+ app changes the response to 'May be' for other occurrences instead of 'No response'.

1367737: When email_security_classification_json KVP was added to VSP, the inline images start to automatically downloading when email is opened and the Show pictures button is not available. This is because MIME is downloaded right away with it's content so we can know if classification is present in the email or not and can parse email correctly.

APIM-9643: User with Full Access permission level is able to forward meeting invites when using a shared mailbox.

APIM-9445: Mail in Delegated Mailbox draft can be still sent from Delegated Mailbox account even when the Delegated Mailbox is downgraded to Reviewer permission.
- APIM-9427: When Permission of Delegated Mailbox are changed they are not updated to Subfolders. For example: If Delegated Mailbox has Author permission then new subfolders created by Owner are having editor permission.
APIM-9378: There is a Microsoft limitation of subfolders and nested sub-folders under Inbox are not inheriting the permissions of Inbox. Hence some of the existing subfolder/nested subfolders are not synced in Delegated Mailbox.

- APIM-9208: On Samsung OS 14 devices, the icon for meeting invite, VIP notification are not shown. Its a Vendor issue on Samsung side and they are working on fix.

- APIM-9087: On Microsoft Exchange server with CBA we observed that emails sent by Delegatee for Delegated Calendar does not have "Onbehalf" in sender name.

- APIM-8864: In the Email+ app, when downloading attachments for delegated mailbox no progress indicator is displayed.
- APIM-8856: The download time for attachments in delegated mailbox is longer than in regular mailbox.
- APIM-8853: Shortcut icons are not updated to the latest version when the Email+ app is upgraded from 4.6.0 to 4.7.0.
Workaround: Delete the existing shortcut from Email+ 4.6.0 and add a new shortcut from Email+ 4.7.0.
- APIM-8793: Microsoft server does not provided any permissions to load sub folders and doesn't return in requests for the sub folders synchronization so Inbox's sub folder is not displayed for added delegated mailbox of such accounts in Email+ as well as on Outlook.
- APIM-8372: On some Android devices, in the native Contact app the Contact group name is not changed from MobileIron to Ivanti immediately upgrade to Email+ 4.7.0 (ACE).Workaround: Open Email+ > Contact screen > open any contact and click on edit and then click Save (no need to edit any fields). Navigate to native contacts, the contact group name is changed from MobileIron to Ivanti.

- APIM-8627: Due to Microsoft limitation the Reply and Reply all functions are not performed for Shared Calendar events.

- APIM-8241: The user receives mail instead of forwarded invite from delegated calendar, when the invite is sent from Drafts in Outlook or after clear data in Email+ when Exchange ActiveSync 16 (eas_16) is enabled.

- APIM-7984: In the Email+ calendar, when a user accepts an event invite for a single occurrence of a recurring event on OWA for DC, the event status is changed to tentative for all the recurring events.

- APIM- 7956: Delegated calendar is not supported on the Email+ app that is configured with Kerberos authentication.
- APIM-7915: User which is added as delegated calendar account to Email+ cannot be configured as secondary account.
- APIM-7914: In case of a change in the event privacy, the changes might not be reflected in Email+, Microsoft Outlook on the web (OWA) or Microsoft Outlook.

- APIM-7726: Saving an attachment in the Email+ AppConnect app might take longer than expected.
- APIM-7688: The digital certificates are not preselected in the system keychain on the Samsung devices with Knox.