New features summary
These are cumulative release notes. If a release does not appear in thi

Email+ app features and enhancements
Feature preview for Delegated Calendar: Email+ 4.2.0 now supports delegated access to the calendar for Android devices and the feature is available for an early preview. The Add Delegated Calendar option is added to the Email+ 4.2.0 app, to enable the option add calendar_delegation value to the enabled_features key-value pair or Optional features restriction for Android Enterprise. The Delegated Calendar supports the following features:
Email+ supports reviewer level permission for the delegated user: Currently Email+ 4.2.0 supports the "Reviewer" level permission. The delegated user can view event details with this permission.
Support for Delegated Calendar with Basic and Modern Authentication added: The Email+ app supports Delegated Calendar feature with Basic and Modern Authentication methods.
Private events are hidden in delegated calendars: The Email+ 4.2.0 app does not display private events, all private events in delegated calendar are hidden.
Enabled delegated calendar event sync limit: The sync period for delegated calendar events is the same as for regular events. Events older than a month will not be synced to the Email+ app, all future events are synced.
- Email+ sends a notification when access to delegated calendar is removed: When permission to the delegated calendar is removed, the delegated user receives a notification on the device when the Email+ app is launched.
- Support to delete delegated calendar: A delegated user can delete the delegated calendar from the Email+ app.
Currently, these features are disabled by default. The admins can enable the feature previews by configuring the calendar_delegation value for enabled_features key-value pair or Optional Features restriction. For more information, see Delegated calendar (Early feature preview).
- Mail sync interval is set to 15 minutes: The minimal mail sync interval is now set to 15 minutes instead of five minutes. The five and 10 minutes sync interval options are now removed from the Check email frequency drop-down menu.
Email+ administrator features and enhancements
- New value added: New value calendar_delegation value added to the enabled_features key-value pair or Optional Features restriction to enable Add Delegated Calendar option in the Email+ app.
New key-value pair and restriction added: New key-value pair ews_min_allowed_auth_mode and EWS Authentication Mode restriction is added to AppConnect and Android Enterprise respectively to enable authentication method to the exchange server through EWS protocol.
New key-value pair added: New key-value pair email_ews_host and restriction Exchange host for EWS is added to Android AppConnect and Android Enterprise respectively to provide access to EWS server when the values for email_exchange_host and Exchange host are not fully qualified domain name of the Exchange server.
Key-value pairs are configured in the Email+ configuration on the unified endpoint management (UEM) platform. The UEM platform is either Core or Cloud. See the Key-value pairs for Email+ (Android AppConnect) and App restrictions descriptions for Email+ (Android Enterprise)

Email+ app features and enhancements
- Android 12 compatibility: The Email+ app is compatible with Android 12
- Enhancement added to notify when the Email+ app goes in standby bucket mode: When the Email+ app is not in active use, there is a delay in mail sync due to Android restrictions. The 'Tap to get message alerts in real-time' notification is enabled to return the Email+ app back to active state.
- Support for signature algorithm for S/MIME: The Email+ app now supports configuring signature algorithm.
- Support for Hungarian language: The Email+ app now supports Hungarian language.
- Ability to create shortcuts in the Email+ app added: The Email+ app for Android AppConnect now supports the ability to create shortcuts for Calendar, Contacts, Tasks, and Notes.
- Localization enhancement: The Email+ app now has enhanced localization support for French and German languages.
Email+ administrator features and enhancements
This release includes the following new administrator features and enhancements.
- New key-value pair added: New key-value pair email_signing_digest and restriction Signing digest algorithm added to configure signature algorithm.
- New value added: New value allow_shortcuts added to the enabled_features key-value pair to create shortcuts to launch Calendar, Contact, Notes, and Tasks.
Key-value pairs are configured in the Email+ configuration on the unified endpoint management (UEM) platform. The UEM platform is either Core or Cloud. See the “Key-value pairs for customizing Email+ for Android” section in the Email+ for Android Guide.