About Email+ for iOS
Email+ for iOS is an AppConnect-enabled app. AppConnect containerizes apps to protect content on iOS and Android devices. Each AppConnect app becomes a secure container whose content is encrypted and, protected from unauthorized access. Because each user has multiple business apps, each app container is also connected to other secure app containers. This connection allows the AppConnect apps to share content. AppConnect apps are managed using policies configured in a Unified endpoint management (UEM) platform. The UEM platform is either Core or Cloud.
As an AppConnect app, all Email+ content is secured. The app interacts with other apps according to the data loss prevention policies that you specify. The app has the following secure features:
- Secure apps passcode: A secure apps passcode, if you require one, protects access to all secure apps. This is the AppConnect passcode, which you define in UEM. The AppConnect passcode provides an additional layer of security for secure apps, beyond the device passcode.
- Data encryption: AppConnect encrypts all AppConnect-related data on the device, such as Email+ app data, app configurations, and policies. This means app data is secure even if a device is compromised.
- Data loss prevention: You determine whether Email+ for iOS can use the iOS copy/paste, open-in, and open-from features. AppConnect data loss prevention policies control if users can copy/paste data out of Email+ and control how email attachments can be shared with other apps via open-in and open-from.
For information about AppConnect features and configuration beyond Email+ for iOS, see the AppConnect and AppTunnel Guide.
Where to find Email+ for iOS
You can download Email+ for iOS from the Apple App Store.