Email and calendar classification capabilities (Deprecated)

Classification capabilities provides the ability to manage protective markings to emails and calendar events. Email+ shows appropriate user interface fields to the user when viewing messages, replying to messages, or composing new messages, or creating new calendar events.

The messages that are sent through Email+, adds the markings to the subject line, header, and optionally on the top and the bottom of message body. Email+ supports two levels of markings:

  • Classification - To identify the overall sensitivity of the message
  • Distribution Limiting Markers - To limit the distribution

The different Classification and Distribution Limiting Markers (DLM) values are configured via key-value pairs as described in the following table;

Table 5.   Key-value pairs to configure Classification and DLM values

Key-value pair



Enables the email classification feature. If present, it specifies the list of classification values to be used and all the supported permutations.

The values are separated by a ";".

For example:




Prefix the string to the x-header to represent the version of the standard supported. Default is "VER=2012.3,". For example:

X-Protective-Marking: VER=2012.3,, SEC=UNCLASSIFIED, [email protected]


Allows an administrator to specify the default classification value for all the new emails composed in Email+. If this value is not specified, then the user has to explicitly classify a message.

The following value defaults to unofficial with no DLM



Enables whether the classification values are added to the message body (top and bottom) for emails that are sent (new emails as well as replies to existing emails). It is the Boolean value, if it is set to True then the message body is enclosed in Header and Footer.

True/False. Default is True.


Enables the administrator to not allow any changes to the DLM value once it has been set in the original message.

True/False. Default is False.


A string value that is shown in the alert to the user asking the user to enter classification. Default is "Required".


A string value that is shown in the alert to the user asking the user to enter classification. Default is "Classification is required"


A string value that is shown in the message compose user interface as label in the text field where the SEC value is selected.


A string value that is shown in the message compose user interface as label in the text field where the DLM value is selected.

With Email+ 3.14.0 and newer the Email and calendar classification capabilities will be replaced with Classification markers. When you configure email_security_classification_json the older version of classification will be ignored.