Main steps for configuring FilePass for iOS (Core)
Configuration for FilePass is done in Core. The following sections detail the process.
- Configuring FilePass app configuration policy
- Configuring an AppConnect container policy
- Configuring FilePass on Docs@Work or Email+ on Core
Configuring FilePass app configuration policy
The following describe the steps to configure FilePass on Core.
- In Core Admin Portal, go to Policy & Configs > Configurations.
- Click Add New > AppConnect > App Configuration.
- Enter name for the configuration.
- Enter description for the configuration.
- Enter Application to com.mobileiron.ios.filepass.
- Scroll down to App-specific Configurations section.
- Click Add+ to enter the following key-value pairs:
filepass_key_identifier The value for this is a string used to derive Cipher keys which is used to encrypt and decrypt files (using AC SDK) through FilePass app.
Enter a unique and complex alphanumeric string in the value field.
The value for this key-value pair needs to be same for the all the supported Ivanti apps(Docs@Work, Email+, and FilePass) participating in file sharing.
If Filepass_key_identifier does not have same values across FilePass app and Docs@Work then:
- Importing files from Office apps to Docs@Work will fail.
- Sharing files from Docs@Work to Microsoft Office apps using FilePass will fail.username The value for this key-value pair is used to login and enroll to Microsoft Azure portal.
$EMAIL$ is recommended for Core
Enter a user identifying user name variable for enrolling to Microsoft Azure Portal.
- Click Save.
- Select the FilePass configuration.
- Click Actions > Apply to Label.
- Select the appropriate labels to which you want to apply the configuration.
- Click Apply.
Next steps
Configuring an AppConnect container policy
Configuring an AppConnect container policy
This task is only required if you did not select Authorize for Apps without an AppConnect container policy, in the AppConnect Global Policy.
The AppConnect container policy authorizes an AppConnect app and specifies the data loss prevention settings. The container policy overrides the corresponding settings in the AppConnect Global Policy.
Ensure that only one FilePass AppConnect container policy is applied to a device.
- In the Admin Portal, go to Policy & Configs > Configurations.
- Click Add New > AppConnect > Container Policy.
- Enter a name for the policy. For example, enter FilePass container policy for iOS.
- Enter a description for the policy.
- Enter Application field to com.mobileiron.ios.filepass.
- Select Save.
- Select the FilePass container policy.
- Click More Actions > Apply To Label.
- Select the appropriate labels to which you want to apply this policy.
- Click Apply.
Next steps
Configuring FilePass on Docs@Work or Email+ on Core
For more information on configuring the AppConnect Container Policy, see the “Configuring AppConnect container policies” section in the AppConnect for Core Guide and Tunnel for iOS Guide.
Configuring FilePass on Docs@Work or Email+ on Core
The following describe the steps to configure FilePass on Docs@Work and Email+ on Core.
- In Core Admin Portal, go to Policy & Configs > Configurations.
- Select the Docs@Work or Email+ configuration, click Edit.
- Scroll down to Custom Configurations section.
- Click Add+ to enter filepass_key_identifier key-value pair and its value.
- Click Save.
For more information on configuring KVPs, see Configuring FilePass app configuration policysection.