These are cumulative release notes. If a release does not appear in this section, then there were no associated limitations.

1355120: After upgrading, the Lookout console is retaining the old status for fully managed devices.
Admins with deployments that are primarily fully managed devices should not enable dual enrollment in the Lookout console.
If a fully managed device upgrades to a console with dual enrollment enabled, admins should remove the Mobile Threat Defense Activation configuration from that device on the Ivanti Neurons for MDM server, remove the device from the Lookout console, or wait for it to be automatically deleted after 5 minutes, and then redistribute the activation configuration to the device.
1408286: Ivanti Go for Android functionality, including device management, is not expected to work via a Wi-Fi proxy as Ivanti leverages a strong certificate-based mutual authentication model between its client app and backend service. This model only permits a valid app to communicate with Ivanti Neurons for MDM service. Ivanti recommends using a VPN instead of a proxy.
- 1422217: For some Android 13 work profiles on company owned-devices, Ivanti Go for Android may display an out of compliance message on the home screen when a passcode configuration is distributed with the device keyguard settings switched off. Known to affect build number TQ3A.230805.001.S1 and possibly others. The fix is to update the device to a newer Android OS version.
- 1425672: For devices that have migrated from Ivanti EPMM to Ivanti Neurons for MDM and are using Microsoft Azure Compliance, the compliance status will not be correctly updated by Ivanti N-MDM until the device is removed from the Ivanti EPMM console.
- 1427197: Public app installation from the Ivanti Apps@Work in Ivanti Go for Android is no longer supported due to a Google deprecation. Public apps can be installed using the enterprise Play Store app.

1353301: Zimperium does not support the Catalan language. Hence, if you select the Catalan language on a device, the threat information will appear in English.
- 1356570: The Ultra-wideband option can be turned on even if it is disabled through the Kiosk and Lockdown Configuration.

ACP-13955: Keyguard disable shortcut option doesn't work on Samsung devices with Android version 14+.
- ACP-13925: Keyguard shortcuts do not update dynamically on Pixel devices. You have to unlock and relock the device to view the Keyguard shortcuts.

ACP-13840: Teamviewer Universal Add-On doesn't appear on non-Samsung devices while granting accessibility permissions, resulting in an authorization failure.
- ACP-13823: Google Zero Touch provisioning fails on some Galaxy models running Android 14 (One UI 6). Samsung is working on a fix, which will be available as a software update to the affected devices.

- ACP-13328: On Android 14 and later versions, the Allow Access to Work Profile Calendars option is not supported.

- ACP-13317: Google now requires a root CA certificate and domain in the Wi-Fi configuration for TLS, TTLS, and PEAP EAP types.
- ACP-13251: As per Zebra, Work Profile on Company Owned device mode is currently not supported.

- ACP-12949: For Android 13 devices in Work Managed Device mode, it is not possible to connect to the Enterprise EAP Based managed Wi-Fi network.
- ACP-13253: On Android 7 devices, if the certificate used to access the App Catalog is renewed, the catalog may not be accessa ible until the device is restarted..

- ACP-12949: For Android 13 devices in Work Managed Device mode, it is not possible to connect to the Enterprise EAP Based Manage Wi-Fi network.
- ACP-12971 : For Android 13+ devices registered in work profile on company-owned device mode, when the administrator disables screen capture option in work profile lockdown and enables screen capture option in managed device lockdown, the device will be out of compliance.

- ACP-12662: In work profile on company-owned device mode, Android 11 devices do not support the collection of security logs. This is a known Android framework issue fixed in Android 12.
- ACP-12660: On some devices, when prompted to paste the password for an identity certificate installation, if the user switches to a different screen, and then returns to paste the password, an "Extracting...' dialog is displayed and the certificate installation never completes.
- ACP-12633: Unlocking a desktop using Bluetooth functionality is not working on Android 13 Beta 4 devices.
- ACP-12594: On Android 12 and 13 devices, the TeamViewer QuickSupport app version 15.31.116 stops responding when trying to establish an attended remote session.
- ACP-11877: From the Android 12 kiosk settings menu, users are unable to launch the Wi-Fi and network screens when the lock task mode (LTM) is enabled.
Workaround: Paste the password when prompted, without switching screens.
Workaround: Add in the kiosk allowed apps.

- ACP-12633: Unlocking a desktop using Bluetooth functionality is not working on Android 13 Beta 4 devices.
- ACP-12586: For non-enterprise modes, the MTD disable-Bluetooth local action is no longer supported on Android 13.
- ACP-12660: On some devices, when prompted to paste the password for an identity certificate installation, if the user switches to a different screen, and then returns to paste the password, an "Extracting..." dialog is displayed and the certificate installation never completes.
Workaround: Paste the password when prompted, without switching screens.

- ACP-12594: On Android 12 and 13 devices, the TeamViewer QuickSupport app version 15.31.116 stops responding when trying to establish an attended remote session.
ACP-11877: From the Android 12 kiosk settings menu, users are unable to launch the Wi-Fi and network screens when the Lock Task Mode(LTM) is enabled.
Workaround: Add in the kiosk allowed apps.

ACP-12276: On macOS 12.2.1 devices, though the user can establish a remote connection using the TeamViewer remote session, the user cannot click and control the device.
Workaround: Use the Pop-out option from the device to click and control the device.

ACP-11877: From the Android 12 kiosk settings menu, users are unable to launch the Wi-Fi and network screens when the lock task mode (LTM) is enabled.
Workaround: Add in the kiosk allowed apps.
ACP-12047: If the Passwordless Sign-in flag is deactivated and reactivated in a device in settings, and then the user tries to unlock the desktop using Bluetooth from the same device, the login fails.
Workaround: The user needs to update the password in the Authenticator app on the desktop to use Bluetooth to unlock the desktop thereafter.

ACP-11897: After upgrading to Android 12, fully-managed devices are incorrectly losing auto-grant privileges for sensor permissions.
Workaround: Users will have to grant these permissions manually.
ACP-11894: On Android 12 devices, the "Can't add work profile" dialog appears when a managed Google account is added to a fully managed device.
Workaround: Tap "Ok" on the dialog, look for an "Account Action Required" status bar notification, and tap it.
ACP-11893: On Android 12 devices, account setup does not complete correctly when adding a managed Google account in Settings to provision a work profile on a personal device.
Workaround: After adding the account and registering to Cloud, look for an "Account Action Required" status bar notification, and tap it.
ACP-11888: Android 12 split screen does not work properly when lock task mode is enabled.
Workaround: Avoid using the split screen feature. If used, a device restart may be needed after leaving the split screen to correct the display.
ACP-11877: From the Android 12 kiosk settings menu, users are unable to launch the Wi-Fi and network screens when the lock task mode is enabled.
Workaround: Add in the kiosk allowed apps.
ACP-11846: Applications enabled for auto-launch after silent installation will be relaunched as apps are being restored when a device comes out of a quarantine state.
ACP-11840: For the Android 12 kiosk mode, users are unable to open a shortcut using Chrome when lock task mode is enabled.
Workaround: Launch Chrome once and reply to the initial prompts before entering the kiosk mode.