These are cumulative release notes. If a release does not appear in this section, then there were no associated limitations.

1382747: Non-App Store Signer (NASS) threats are not detected on iOS 17.5.x devices.

1382747: Non-App Store Signer (NASS) threats are not detected on iOS 17.5.x devices.

1382747: Non-App Store Signer (NASS) threats are not detected on iOS 17.5.x devices.

1350658: Starting with this release, you must select the Enable web content filtering and activate MTD local VPN option in zConsole for legacy anti-phishing using VPN to be more effective.
This workaround helps keep the VPN connected when the client is upgraded to Ivanti N-MDM 101.

AIOS-6836: When the device is retired, the end user continues to be offered the option to select a Google account (user names) on iOS.

AIOS-6836: When the device is retired, the end user continues to be offered the option to select a Google account (user names) on iOS.

AIOS-6836: If a user logs in into their Gmail account, the client still displays the previously logged in user on the login page.

AIOS-6564: After upgrading the Ivanti Go for iOS client, the Mobileiron logo/ icons may continue to display due to caching.
Workaround: Refresh the screen by swiping on the screen after the upgrade of the Go for iOS client and the cache will be cleared.
AIOS-6611: If Ivanti Go for iOS application is terminated, the certificate cannot be renewed automatically until the application is relaunched. This is applicable for devices that contain iOS 13.x and iOS 14.x.

AIOS-6140: During enrollment, ensure that the Lock-Down mode is turned off while installing the MDM profile. Once the device has been successfully enrolled and the MDM profile is successfully installed, you can enable the Lock-Down mode again.

AIOS-5716: When anti-phishing is enabled, VPN sometimes turns off while browsing on a cellular network. This could cause issues while browsing and downloading apps.
AIOS-5717: When anti-phishing is enabled on the device, application download and page load sometimes fail.
Workaround: Turn off and then turn on the VPN to fix the issue.

AIOS-3647: The re-enroll option is not supported for DEP devices.
AIOS-5398: Ivanti Go for iOS displays login success messages on mobile devices despite unsuccessful logins on the corresponding macOS system desktops.
AIOS-5399: Ivanti Go for iOS unlocks desktop with BLE in 10 to 12 seconds and it varies for different devices depending on BLE transfer speeds.
AIOS-5405: After macOS reboot, Ivanti Go for iOS fails to unlock desktop by BLE or push notification until first login.
AIOS-5412: After deactivation and reactivation of Zero Sign-On (ZSO) from Client Settings→Authenticate in Ivanti Go for iOS, first desktop unlock with Bluetooth fails with timeout.