Creating administrators

You can create Super administrators and Read-only administrators. Super administrators manage Monitor by configuring alerts; creating server groups and contact lists; and configuring notifier integrations. Read-only administrators can view data, download the reports, and test server connectivity.

To create administrators:


  1. Click Settings.

  2. Click Admin.

  3. Click +Add.

  4. Select the role type, Super Admin or Read only Admin.

  5. Select the user type, LDAP User or Local User.


Adding an LDAP user

This section assumes that you have complete the steps described in Creating Administrators, and selected LDAP User.

See Setting Up LDAP Servers for instructions on integrating LDAP servers with Monitor.

To add an LDAP user:


  1. Enter search criteria.

  2. Click the search button.
  3. Select the desired user.
  4. Click Import.

Adding a local user

This section assumes that you have complete the steps described in Creating Administrators, and selected Local User.

To add a Local user:


  1. Complete, at a minimum, the required fields, outlined in red.

  2. Click Save.