Enabling and Selecting Data
Monitor organizes and displays data pushed from your Sentry and Core instances. You need to log into any Sentry or Core instances that you want Monitor to monitor and push data from those instances to Monitor. You can also configure what kind of data to push., These instructions show how to enable data for Core.
Enabling data
In this step, you select the servers from which to push data.
To enable data:
Log into System Manager and then click Settings:
- Click Data Export.
- Click Syslog Servers.
Configure the Add Syslog fields:
Server: Enter the IP address of Monitor. Select TCP or UDP.
- Click Apply.
Selecting data
In this step, you select which kind of data to push from the enabled servers.
To select data:
Log into System Manager and then click Settings:
- Click Data Export.
- Click Syslog Data.
- Use the Data to Index fields to select the data to push to Monitor.
- Click Apply.