Log representation and format
The following provide the representation and format of the data captured in audit and health logs:
•Audit log representation and format
•Health log representation and format
Audit log representation and format
An audit entry is created for each request from a device. A corresponding response entry is created for each request. The audit logs are in JSON format.
The following provide the format for audit log entries:
•Audit log entry for a request
•Audit log entry for a response
•Audit log entry for IP VPN response to tunnel establishment request
•Audit log entry for IP VPN internal connection
Audit log entry for a request
The following provides a description of the fields in the audit log entry for a request.
Field |
Description |
publishTime |
Actual time of log capture. Logging time might vary based on async strategies. |
entryID |
Unique for every audit entry. GUID. |
useCaseID |
ID of use-case to which this entry belongs to. This ID is used for relating Request/Response. |
entryType |
userID |
EMM User ID. |
deviceID |
Device identification. |
deviceType |
Type of device - iPhone, iPad etc. |
serviceType |
serviceName |
clientHost |
clientPort |
requestUrl |
URL used by device. |
httpMethod |
HTTP method used for this request. |
applicationId |
forwardedFor |
If proxy is forwarding request, this will have actual client host identifier. |
contextHeaders |
serverHost |
Details of downstream server. |
serverPort |
action |
ALLOW | BLOCK | NONE (Sentry compliance action taken - NONE - no compliance[Access]) |
Audit log entry for a response
The following provides a description of the fields in the audit log entry for a response.
Field |
Description |
publishTime |
Actual time of log capture. Logging time might vary based on async strategies. |
entryID |
Unique for every audit entry. GUID. |
useCaseID |
ID of use-case to which this entry belongs to. This ID is used for relating Request/Response. |
entryType |
userID |
EMM user ID. |
deviceID |
Device identification. |
deviceType |
Type of device. |
serviceType |
serviceName |
Name of service. |
clientHost |
Immediate client end-point; if coming via proxy, this could be proxy end-point. |
clientPort |
httpStatus |
HTTP Response code. |
sentryHost |
Standalone Sentry hostname. |
sentryPort |
Standalone Sentry port. |
sentryAddress |
Standalone Sentry IP address. |
Audit log entry for IP VPN response to tunnel establishment request
The following provides a description of the fields in the audit log entry for a request to establish an IP VPN tunnel.
Field |
Description |
publishTime |
Actual time of log capture. Logging time might vary based on async strategies. |
entryID |
Unique for every audit entry. GUID. |
useCaseID |
ID of use-case to which this entry belongs to. This ID is used for relating Request/Response. |
entryType |
userID |
EMM User ID. |
deviceID |
Device identification. |
serviceType |
clientHost |
Immediate client end-point; if coming via proxy, this could be proxy end-point. |
clientPort |
serverPort |
httpStatus |
HTTP Response code. |
Audit log entry for IP VPN internal connection
The following provides a description of the fields in the audit log entry for an internal IP VPN tunnel connection.
Field |
Description |
publishTime |
entryID |
Unique for every audit entry. GUID. |
useCaseID |
ID of use-case to which this entry belongs to. This ID is used for relating Request/Response. |
entryType |
userID |
deviceID |
serviceType |
clientHost |
clientPort |
serverHost |
serverPort |
action |
Compliance action like ALLOW, BLOCK, NONE. |
type |
Connection type: UDP or TCP. |
sentryHost |
Standalone Sentry hostname. |
sentryPort |
Standalone Sentry port. |
sentryAddress |
Standalone Sentry IP address. |
Examples for audit log entries
Following are examples of audit log entries:
• | IPVPN audit log example |
•HTTP tunnel audit log example
IPVPN audit log example
2017 Nov 1 04:13:59 eapp123.auto.ivanti.com SENTRY_AUDIT: INFO {"usecaseId":"U-43fbd6d7-258d-4d55-aa81-cf1ba11533b4","entryType":"RESPONSE","userId":"hdhindsa","deviceId":"22002","serviceType":"IP_TUNNEL","clientHost":"/","clientPort":44258,"publishTime":"11/01/2017 4:13:59","entryId":"E-6ec1eeda-5d25-4d3b-8107-5101c188830f","serverPort":443,"httpStatus":"200"}
2017 Nov 1 04:14:06 eapp123.auto.ivanti.com SENTRY_AUDIT: INFO {"usecaseId":"U-43fbd6d7-258d-4d55-aa81-cf1ba11533b4","entryType":"IP_VPN_CONN","userId":"hdhindsa","deviceId":"22002","serviceType":"IP_TUNNEL","clientHost":"/","clientPort":44258,"publishTime":"11/01/2017 4:14:06","entryId":"E-4190ad90-4391-47b1-b2b3-298aec6aec5a","serverHost":"autodns001.auto.ivanti.com","serverPort":53,"action":"ALLOW","type":"UDP"}
2017 Nov 1 04:14:06 eapp123.auto.ivanti.com SENTRY_AUDIT: INFO {"usecaseId":"U-43fbd6d7-258d-4d55-aa81-cf1ba11533b4","entryType":"IP_VPN_CONN","userId":"hdhindsa","deviceId":"22002","serviceType":"IP_TUNNEL","clientHost":"/","clientPort":44258,"publishTime":"11/01/2017 4:14:06","entryId":"E-b30097d0-f888-4437-b49d-232d4f364815","serverHost":"","serverPort":443, "sentryHost":"","sentryPort":446", "sentryAddress":"", "action":"ALLOW","type":"TCP"}
ActiveSync audit log example
2017 Nov 7 21:23:39 app101.auto.ivanti.com SENTRY_AUDIT: INFO {"usecaseId":"U-ee3608c9-4c88-4b93-8221-bd69cb4da900","entryType":"REQUEST","userId":"testuser0851","deviceId":"HroLBGueAofSIkAcECcHMTTqd2","deviceType":"MD723LL","serviceType":"ACTIVE_SYNC","serviceName":"ActiveSync","clientHost":"/","clientPort":61693,"publishTime":"11/07/2017 21:23:38","entryId":"E-ee3608c9-4c88-4b93-8221-bd69cb4da900","serverHost":"ex2013.auto19.ivanti.com","serverPort":443,"requestUrl":"/Microsoft-Server-ActiveSync","httpMethod":"POST","action":"ALLOW"}
2017 Nov 7 21:23:41 app101.auto.ivanti.com SENTRY_AUDIT: INFO {"usecaseId":"U-ee3608c9-4c88-4b93-8221-bd69cb4da900","entryType":"RESPONSE","userId":"testuser0851","deviceId":"HroLBGueAofSIkAcECcHMTTqd2","serviceType":"ACTIVE_SYNC","clientHost":"/","clientPort":61693,"publishTime":"11/07/2017 21:23:39","entryId":"E-49b382b2-07c9-4a82-87d3-3f1f45751879","serverHost":"ex2013.auto19.ivanti.com","serverPort":443,"sentryHost":"","sentryPort":446", "sentryAddress":"", "httpStatus":"200"}
HTTP tunnel audit log example
2017 Nov 3 23:06:57 eapp074.auto.Ivanti.com SENTRY_AUDIT: INFO {"usecaseId":"U-dd7086fc-9599-4581-a8bc-5a9057ce085b","entryType":"REQUEST","userId":"testuser7331","deviceId":"62b6ae69-9ca8-4176-85dd-11a7ecaee130","deviceType":"iPhone 6","serviceType":"APP_TUNNEL","serviceName":"<ANY>","clientHost":"/","clientPort":1821,"publishTime":"11/03/2017 23:06:57","entryId":"E-dd7086fc-9599-4581-a8bc5a9057ce085b","serverHost":"wiki.ivanti.com","serverPort":443,"requestUrl":"https://wiki.ivanti.com/login.action?os_destination=%2Findex.action&permissionViolation=true","httpMethod":"GET","applicationId":"com.ivanti.securebrowser","action":"ALLOW"}
2017 Nov 3 23:06:57 eapp074.auto.Ivanti.com SENTRY_AUDIT: INFO {"usecaseId":"U-dd7086fc-9599-4581-a8bc-5a9057ce085b","entryType":"RESPONSE","userId":"testuser7331","deviceId":"62b6ae69-9ca8-4176-85dd-11a7ecaee130","serviceType":"APP_TUNNEL","clientHost":"/","clientPort":1821,"publishTime":"11/03/2017 23:06:57","entryId":"E-c0cd7a3d-1832-4b85-b28c-7385d2b0eb0c","serverHost":"wiki.ivanti.com","serverPort":443, "sentryHost":"","sentryPort":446", "sentryAddress":"", "httpStatus":"200"}
TCP tunnel audit log example
2017 Nov 3 23:06:07 eapp074.auto.ivanti.com SENTRY_AUDIT: INFO {"usecaseId":"U-bd77654c-42dc-48f3-9b2c-9aa2d5d63650","entryType":"REQUEST","userId":"testuser7331","deviceId":"62b6ae69-9ca8-4176-85dd-11a7ecaee130","serviceType":"TCP_TUNNEL","serviceName":"<TCP_ANY>","clientHost":"/","clientPort":1391,"publishTime":"11/03/2017 23:06:07","entryId":"E-bd77654c-42dc-48f3-9b2c-9aa2d5d63650","serverHost":"googleads.g.doubleclick.net","serverPort":443,"applicationId":"com.google.chrome.ios","action":"ALLOW"}
2017 Nov 3 23:06:07 eapp074.auto.ivanti.com SENTRY_AUDIT: INFO {"usecaseId":"U-bd77654c-42dc-48f3-9b2c-9aa2d5d63650","entryType":"RESPONSE","userId":"testuser7331","deviceId":"62b6ae69-9ca8-4176-85dd-11a7ecaee130","serviceType":"TCP_TUNNEL","clientHost":"/","clientPort":1391,"publishTime":"11/03/2017 23:06:07","entryId":"E-4fa74e1f-e0df-4093-9cd1-a716aa0697ff","serverHost":"googleads.g.doubleclick.net","serverPort":443, "sentryHost":"","sentryPort":446", "sentryAddress":"", "httpStatus":"200"}
Health log representation and format
The following provide the representation and format for Sentry health logs:
sourcetype: sentry_mihealth_openPorts
Proto Port
tcp 9090
udp 10012
REGEX = ([^\s]+)\s+([0-9]+)
FORMAT = Proto::"$1" Port::"$2"
sourcetype: sentry_mihealth_hardware
CPU_TYPE Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5504 @ 2.00GHz
HARD_DRIVES sda (Virtual disk) 200 GB;
NIC_TYPE <notAvailable>
MEMORY_REAL 2054232 kB
MEMORY_SWAP 4128764 kB
sourcetype: sentry_mihealth_cpu
CPU pctUser pctNice pctSystem pctIowait pctIdle
all 0.00 1.01 1.01 0.00 97.98
0 0.00 1.01 1.01 0.00 97.98
REGEX = all\s+(\d*\.*\d*)\s+(\d*\.*\d*)\s+(\d*\.*\d*)\s+(\d*\.*\d*)\s+(\d*\.*\d*)
FORMAT = pctUser::$1 pctNice::$2 pctSystem::$3 pctIowait::$4 pctIdle::$5
sourcetype: sentry_mihealth_vmstat
time=2017-09-05 10:24:01, r=5, b=0, swpd=10268, free=80444, buff=109964, cache=845276, si=0, so=0, bi=5, bo=12, in=115, cs=208, us=1, sy=0, id=99, wa=0, st=0