Before you begin Ivanti Standalone Sentry installation on Microsoft Azure

Before you install Ivanti Standalone Sentry on Microsoft Azure, ensure the following:

VHD-Location: See the Ivanti Standalone Sentry Release and Upgrade Notes for your release.

  • You have downloaded the following json files:

    • the parameter file, which includes information such as the initial azure user, vhd to be used, the storage account. You will update this file during installation.

    • the deployment file with default values required for installation, such as the inbound and outbound rules to allow or disallow incoming and outgoing IP addresses. Do not make any changes to this file.

  • See the Ivanti Standalone Sentry Release and Upgrade Notes for the location of these files.

  • The installation instructions provided use the Microsoft Azure Cloud Shell bash CLI 2.7 and azcopy commands. If you are using a Mac or PC, the Microsoft Azure command line plugin must be downloaded and installed to your Mac or Linux machine.

  • Execute the following Azure CLI commands :

  • az group create -n "groupname" -l <location>

  • az storage account create --resource-group <groupname> --location <location> --sku Standard_LRS --kind Storage --name <storagename>

  • az storage container create -n copiedvhds --account-name <storagename>

  • az storage account keys list -g <groupname> -n <storagename>

  • az copy --blob-type page --source <Sentry VHD File Source Location> --destination <> --dest-key <account keys from previous command>

  • az deployment group create --resource-group <groupname> --template-file <path-to-template> --parameters <path-to-parameter>

  • "location" - It is the Azure location where the group is created.

  • The "Sentry VHD File Source Location" is available in the Ivanti Standalone Sentry Release and Upgrade Notes.

If you are using an installer, an understanding of creating a VM on Microsoft Azure. You will be creating a VM for Ivanti Standalone Sentry in Microsoft Azure using the Azure Resource Manager deployment model using CLI only.

For Microsoft Azure command line interface (CLI) commands, see

Minimum memory and CPU requirements for Ivanti Standalone Sentry:

Table 10.   minimum memory and cpu requirements



Configuration size

Medium configuration

Maximum devices

< 8000 devices


14 GB

Virtual CPUs**


Memory reservations

6 GB


32 GB

The Ivanti Standalone Sentry medium configuration size maps to Standard_DS11_v2 VM type offered by Microsoft Azure.

Site-to-site VPN is enabled between Ivanti EPMM and Microsoft Azure.