Main configuring steps for Ivanti Web@Work for iOS (Ivanti Neurons for MDM)
Following are the main steps for configuring and deploying Web@Work for iOS on Ivanti Neurons for MDM:
- Go to Apps > Apps Catalog and click +Add.
- Select Web@Work to add to the Apps catalog.
- Edit the Category if needed.
- Enter a brief description of the configuration if needed.
- Click Next.
- Select a distribution level.
- Click Next.
- Create app configurations using these options:
- Click Install Application configuration settings to configure the installation or Click the + icon to add another configuration.
- Select Install on Device to prompt the user and require installation. This setting uses a silent installation on supervised iOS devices.
- Select Install as a Managed App. If already installed, it converts the app and its data to a managed app. Converting already installed apps on supervised devices is done silently. The user will be prompted to allow conversion if the device is unsupervised.
- Click iOS Application Management configuration settings to configure iOS App Settings or click the + icon to add another configuration.
- Enter a name for the configuration.
- Optionally add a description for the configuration.
- Select Prevent backup to iCloud and iTunes.
- Select Remove app on unenrollment.
- Click Promotion distribution configuration settings to configure Promotion settings or click the + icon to add another promotion configuration.
- Enter a name for the configuration.
- Optionally add a description for the configuration.
- Choose a promotion level for this configuration.
- Web@Work configuration
- Add Bookmarks.
- AppConnect Custom Configuration.
- Click +Add to enter Key and Value pairs.
- Click the + icon to set App Tunnel options.
- Enter a name for the configuration.
- Optionally add a description for this configuration.
- Enter the domain wildcards for the App Tunnel.
- Choose a distribution level for this configuration.
- Click the + icon to add iOS Managed App Configuration settings.
- Name this configuration.
- Enter the key and value pairs for iOS 7+Managed App settings.
- Choose a distribution level.
- Choose whether to enable Per App VPN.
- Name this configuration.
- Choose a distribution level.