These are cumulative release notes. If a release does not appear in this section, then there were no associated limitations.

- ISB-4567: The following limitations are observed while attending a Zoom meeting through the Web@Work app:
- If the Web@Work app is sent to background or stays in background for a long time due to app check-in interval or app lock timeout: Then the Web@Work app camera and microphone might not work for some time and the meeting reconnects automatically.
- If the internet is disconnected during ongoing meeting and connected again: Then it displays the meeting as connected but it reconnects after some time.
In some cases, microphone might not work on older devices even after the meeting is reconnected.
- ISB-4556: The microphone and camera might stop working if the user opens a new tab or navigates to a new tab within the Web@Work app.
Workaround - Navigate back to the meeting tab, the microphone and camera will work.