Custom Device Enrollment

Get MDM profile

Applicable to iOS 13.0 and macOS 10.15 and later versions as supported by Ivanti Neurons for MDM. You use this call when interacting with a custom device enrollment web page. For more information, see the section "Adding a custom Device Enrollment web page" on the Device Enrollment page of the Ivanti Neurons for MDM Administrator Guide.


This call requires Tenant Admin credentials.

HTTP method


Request URI

/c/i/dep/custom.mobileconfig?user=[email protected]

Required header

x-apple-aspen-deviceinfo: Should contain value of the x-apple-aspen-deviceinfo header sent by the device to the custom enrollment endpoint.

Example request

https://[Ivanti Neurons for MDM]/c/i/dep/[email protected]


The response is a .mobileconfig file which is used for registration.