Creating a new app

Before you can upload new releases for an app, you must create an app. This works as a container to gather all information about the app and all app releases.

On your system, the +New App button may not be visible to you.


To create a new app:

  1. Click +New App. The Please select platform pop-up menu opens.

  2. Select either iOS or Android. The Please select Target Type pop-up menu opens.

    If an option or a button isn’t visible, then the option is not enabled on your system.

  3. Select the Target Type from the drop-down menu. The target type sets the app store the app will be assigned to, the metadata set, and publishing options.

    Android options include:

    • App Catalog
    • Google Play
    • Ivanti EPMM
    • Ivanti Neurons for MDM
    • Microsoft Intune

    iOS options include:

    • App Catalog
    • Apple App store
    • Ivanti EPMM
    • Ivanti Neurons for MDM
    • Microsoft Intune
  4. When you select a target type, either the New Android App or the New iOS App window opens.

    Figure 1. New iOS App menu

    A screenshot of a cell phone

Description automatically generated

    Figure 2. New Android App menu

    The New App menu has the following fields and settings:

    Table 4.  Apps page fields and settings

    Apps page element

    Applicable to



    App Catalog, Apple App store, Ivanti EPMM, Ivanti Neurons for MDM, and Microsoft Intune

    Check the target(s) where you want to publish the app.

    Tip For certain targets, you might have the option to assign more than one target. This is the case when you are running multiple instances of one target, for example, multiple Ivanti EPMM systems. The assigned targets can be modified after app creation.

    App Name

    All apps

    Provide a descriptive name. You can avoid using special characters that were rejected by Apple or Google.

    Business Unit


    You may want to track the business unit an app is assigned to. This feature can be useful for reporting.


    All apps

    Select either Test or Production. This information is for information only and is used to aid differentiation. It has no impact on the process or the app handling.

    If your user is granted permission to create apps, the following additional technical fields will display:

    Google Play: All app releases need to be signed with the same keystore as the previous release of the app; otherwise, Google Play will reject the app.

    Table 5.  Post-permission fields and settings

    Apps element

    Applicable to




    Defines the certificate and the signing account for the app.

    Apple App Store: For iOS apps, you may need to choose between one or more App Store accounts (for public apps) or your company’s Enterprise account (for internal apps).



    Defines the certificate and the signing account for the app.

    Google Play: All app releases need to be signed with the same keystore as the previous release of the app; otherwise, Google Play will reject the app.

    Bundle Identifier


    Describes the identifier of the app. It should be set according to Apple's recommendations.

    Package Name


    Describes the identifier of the app. It should be set according to the Google recommendations.

    Perform resigning

    iOS and Android

    Select Yes or No from the list to perform resigning.

  5. Click Create.

At this point, Android and iOS actions differ:

  • iOS: The Ivanti incapptic Connect system connects to Apple’s Developer Portal. It checks if the app with that Bundle Identifier is already assigned to your development team. In that case, it compares the entered name with the name at Apple and gives you the option to change the name in Ivanti incapptic Connect. If the Bundle Identifier is not yet registered at Apple it will be automatically created.

  • Android: The app is created in the Ivanti incapptic Connect system. To register a new app for Google Play, use the Google Play console.