Exchange ActiveSync (EAS)

List All ActiveSync Devices

This API returns a list of ActiveSync unique device IDs (uuid) that use ActiveSync to connect to the enterprise.  Devices are grouped as follows in the return list:  Registered Allowed, Registered Blocked, Unregistered Allowed, Unregistered Blocked, and Wiped.

An administrator may wish to block an ActiveSync device to prevent it from connecting to the enterprise (i.e., get email).  If a device is blocked, any previously synchronized email is removed.  Use the allow feature to permit a device to connect to the enterprise which was previously blocked.


https://<Ivanti EPMM>/api/v1/eas/devices


All ActiveSync devices are returned.


Http Method:




xml, json





Response Status Code:



‘404 – No Data Found’

There is no data.


‘200 – OK’

Data is present and the response is returned.










<message>212 Device(s) returned</message>

Status message. Lists the number of devices found, or that no devices were found.







All the child elements of the <registeredAllowedDevice> element are also in the <registeredBlockedDevice>, <unregisteredAllowedDevice>, <unregisteredBlockedDevice>, and <wipedDevice> elements.



ActiveSync unique identifier for the device.



The Exchange ActiveSync domain of the device.



ActiveSync device identifier.



ActiveSync mailbox ID for the device.



ActiveSync username associated with the device.



Phone number associated with the device.



Device model as recorded by the ActiveSync server.



Device operating system as recorded by the ActiveSync server.



Device operating system code as recorded by te ActiveSync server.



Ivanti status for the device.



ActiveSync status for the device.



The timestamp for the first time the device synchronized ActiveSync data. This time field is expressed in Unix Epoch Time, which is the number of milliseconds since January 1, 1970.



The timestamp for te last time the device synchronized ActiveSync data. This time field is expressed in Unix Epoch Time, which is the number of milliseconds since January 1, 1970.



Ivanti unique identifier for the device.






ActiveSync unique identifier for a registered device with Allowed status.



A list of ActiveSync unique identifiers for registered devices with Allowed status.



A list of ActiveSync unique identifiers for registered devices with Blocked status.






ActiveSync unique identifier for a registered device with Blocked status.


</ registeredBlockedDevice >



</ registeredBlockedDevices>




A list of ActiveSync unique identifiers for unregistered devices with Allowed status.






ActiveSync unique identifier for an unregistered device with Allowed status.


</ unregisteredAllowedDevice >



</ unregisteredAllowedDevices>




A list of ActiveSync unique identifiers for unregistered devices with Blocked status.






ActiveSync unique identifier for an unregistered device with Blocked status.


</ unregisteredBlockedDevice >



</ unregisteredBlockedDevices>




A list of ActiveSync  unique identifiers for devices that have been wiped via ActiveSync wipe.


< wipedDevice >




ActiveSync unique identifier for a wiped device.


</ wipedDevice >



</ wipedDevices >









Device Details for ActiveSync

This API returns a variety of details for devices using ActiveSync to connect to the Enterprise.  Details ranging from the first time such device was synced to the ActiveSync version are returned.


https://<Ivanti EPMM>/api/v1/eas/devices/ee8198d9-5d79-4961-94c4-e21bf04b2467


Device details of the input Exchange ActiveSync device uuid is returned

Http Method:



xml, json




Required. Exchange ActiveSync device uuid.



Response Status Code:


‘404 – No Data Found’

There is no data.

‘200 – OK’

Data is present and the response is returned.








A series of key/value pairs determined by ActiveSync.




EXCHANGE('e', "Exchange"): Initial state set by the Exchange server.

AUTOBLOCK('a', "Auto"): state set by Auto Block action

POLICY('p', "Policy"): state set by policy enforcement

MANUAL('m', "Manual"): state set manually by administrator

UNKNOWN('u', "Unknown")

























<value>7/6/2010 11:29:33 AM</value>
















<value>7/7/2010 12:14:52 PM</value>








































































<value> Truong/ExchangeActiveSyncDevices/iPod§Appl9C0180RF75J</value>
























<value>7/6/2010 11:29:34 AM</value>
















<value>7/7/2010 12:14:52 PM</value>
























Request Action on ActiveSync Device

This API requests status changes to devices using ActiveSync to connect to the Enterprise.


https://<Ivanti EPMM>/api/v1/eas/devices?action=BLOCK_DEVICE&uuids=ee8198d9-5d79-4961-94c4-e21bf04b2467&uuids=fe816c9-4c68-3850-83b3-d10ae93a1356


The requested action will be applied on the device.

Http Method:



xml, json





One or more Exchange ActiveSync device uuids.



Valid Actions are:

BLOCK_DEVICE: Block the device from accessing ActiveSync server.

REINSTATE_DEVICE: Allow the device to access ActiveSync server.

WIPE: Wipe the device, which returns its settings to the factory defaults.

Response Status Code:


‘404 – No Data Found’

There is no data.

‘200 – OK’

Data is present and the response is returned.









1 device(s) modified to BLOCK_DEVICE status

Status message.  Displays action taken on EAS device.

</ message >



