Test Client

A sample http test client implemented in Java is provided below. You can access this client on the support site: https://support.Ivanti.com/support/clients/mobileiron-api-httpclient.zip.

1. Unzip the file, mobileiron-api-httpclient.zip  .  Below is the directory structure of the test client.
|-- pom.xml
`-- src
    |-- main
    |   |-- java
    |   |   `-- com
    |   |       `-- mobileiron
    |   |           |-- rs
    |   |           |   `-- client
    |   |           `-- ws
    |   |               `-- client
    |   |                   `-- http
    |   |                       |-- AlertWebServiceHttpClient.java
    |   |                       |-- AppStoreWebServiceHttpClient.java
    |   |                       |-- DMWebServiceHttpClient.java
    |   |                       |-- EASWebServiceHttpClient.java
    |   |                       |-- MAIWebServiceHttpClient.java
    |   |                       |-- SMWebServiceHttpClient.java
    |   |                       `-- WebServiceHttpClientBase.java
    |   `-- resources
    |       |-- applicationContext-miws-client.xml
    |       |-- miws-client.properties
    |       `-- miws-v1.wadl
    `-- test
        |-- java
        |   `-- com
        |       `-- mobileiron
        |           |-- rs
        |           `-- ws
        |               `-- client
        |                   `-- http
        |                       `-- WebServiceHttpClientTest.java
        `-- resources
            `-- log4j.xml
2. Edit the properties in miws-client.properties under src/main/resources.

webservice.hostname=<your mobileiron appliance host name or IP Address>



user name who has the ‘API’ role assigned.  See Chapter- 2 Authentication


Password of the above user.


3. Change directory to client and execute maven to build and run the test client.

cd client
mvn clean install

The above mvn command will do a clean build and execute the test client. The output of the tests are printed on the console and to a file named miws-test.log in the ‘client’ directory.