Restricting the number of devices a user registers

You can set and enforce a device limit for your users. For example, if the limit is three devices, Ivanti EPMM prevents a user from registering a fourth device. The benefits to setting a device limit in Ivanti EPMM:

  • ensure resources, such as licenses, are available for all users
  • prevents misuse of resources
  • enforces the corporate device limit automatically, without the need to check each user one-by-one.

Modifying the number of devices users can register

Use this procedure to restrict the number of devices users can register at a time or remove all restrictions.


  1. From the Admin Portal, go to Settings > System Settings > Users & Devices > Registration.
  2. In Per-User Device Limit, enter the number of devices each user can register.

    • Specify a limit from 1 to 50 devices.
    • Leave the box blank, the default value, to indicate no limit.
  3. Click Save.