Step 4 – Exchange SSH keys between servers


  1. Log into the Primary Ivanti EPMM System Manager Portal.

    1. Select Maintenance > HA Configuration.
    2. Go to the Service Configuration section and click Manage Trusted Hosts.
  2. Log into the Secondary Ivanti EPMM System Manager Portal.

    1. Select Maintenance > HA Configuration.
    2. Go to the Service Configuration section and click Manage Trusted Hosts.
  3. Go to the Primary server and copy the Local Server SSH Key.

  4. Go to Secondary server.

    1. Go to Add Trusted Host.
    2. Paste the key from the Primary server into the SSH Key field.
  5. Go to the Secondary server and enter the hostname or IP address of the Primary server in Hostname/IP.

  6. Then go to the Primary server and copy the Local server SSH key and paste it into the SSH key field on the Secondary server.

  7. Click Add SSH Key to add the key to the configuration.

  8. Go to the Primary server and enter the hostname or IP address of the Secondary server in Hostname/IP.

  9. Go to the Secondary server and copy the Local server SSH key and paste it into the SSH key field on the Primary server.

  10. Click Add SSH Key to add the key to the configuration.

  11. Click Test Connection on both servers to ensure both systems can communicate with each other.

  12. Click OK to close the HA - Test Connectivity window.

  13. Click Save > Apply on both the Primary and the Secondary servers.

IMPORTANT: Do not continue the setup/configuration if you do not see the Test was successful message on the HA - Test Connectivity window.