Data Export: Reporting Database

Monitor and reporting database (RDB) is a reporting database for Ivanti EPMM that provides a source you can query for creating reports. Use the Settings > Data Export > Reporting Database options to:

Refer to the Monitor and Reporting Database Essentials for information on configuring and using the Reporting Database.

Generating the authentication token


To generate the authentication token for the Reporting Database:

  1. Log into System Manager.
  2. Go to Settings > Data Export > Reporting Database.
  3. Go to the Authentication Token box.
  4. Click Generate.
  5. Copy the displayed token to the clipboard. Use this token in Configuring the Reporting Database Exporter.

Configuring the Reporting Database Exporter


To configure the Reporting Database Exporter:

  1. Log into System Manager.
  2. Select Settings > Data Export > Reporting Database.
  3. Go to Export Configuration > Data to Export.

    • Check data categories to specify the data to export.
    • Clear data categories to specify the data to omit.

    The Device option is required and cannot be cleared.

  4. Select a frequency for Run RDB Export Every.
  5. Select a retention time for Retain Export Data For.
  6. Click Apply > OK to save the changes.