Settings overview

System Manager Settings contains menu items for configuring Ivanti EPMM. The following table summarizes the tasks associated with each menu item.

Ivanti recommends to allow HTTPS traffic on port 8443 from the corporate network, limited to Ivanti applications only. This service is intended for EPMM server management and must have strictly controlled access.

Table 3.  System Manager settings menu items

Settings Menu


Network > Interfaces

  • Change physical interface settings
  • Add VLAN interfaces
  • Change VLAN interfaces

Network > Routes

  • Change the default gateway
  • Route through different gateways

DNS and Hostname

Change DNS server details

Static Hosts

Add, edit, and delete the host list for Ivanti EPMM

Date and Time (NTP)

Change the time source used by Ivanti EPMM


  • Change the Enable Secret set during installation
  • Enable/Disable ssh access
  • Change ssh settings

Data Export > Splunk Indexer

Configure a Splunk indexer

Data Export > Splunk Data

Configure the data to export to Splunk

Data Export > Syslog Servers

Configure Syslog servers.

Data Export > SysLog Data

Configure the data to export to Syslog servers.

Data Export > Reporting Database

Configure the authentication token for the Reporting Database and the data to export

Log Upload

Upload log files to an external server.


Configure SNMP servers

Email Settings

Configure SMTP settings for communication between Ivanti EPMM and devices

Port Settings

Change default port configuration for Ivanti EPMM

Data Purge

Configure automated data purging


Enable/Disable Ivanti EPMM services