Generate a certificate signing request (CSR)


  1. Log into System Manager.
  2. Go to Security > CertificateMgmt.
  3. Select Manage Certificate in either the PortalHTTPS row, the ClientTLS row, or the iOS Enrollment row.
  4. Select Certificate Options > Generate CSR.
  5. Fill in the form, as necessary. Refer to Upload client certificate (CSR) window for details.
  6. Click Generate.
  7. Open a text file in a text editor or application.
  8. Copy the content between BEGIN CERTIFICATE REQUEST and END CERTIFICATE REQUEST and paste it into the text file.
  9. Open a second text file.
  10. Copy the content between BEGIN RSA PRIVATE KEY and END RSA PRIVATE KEY and paste it into the second text file.
  11. Click Close.
  12. Submit the text file you created in step 8.