Custom keyboard control

Custom keyboard extensions sometimes send data to servers when a device user enters data into an app. They send this data for assistance with word-prediction, for example. This behavior has potential for harmful data loss.

To allow users to use custom keyboards, add the following key-value pair

  • Value: true

You add the key-value pair:

  • For MobileIron Core deployments, on the AppConnect app configuration for the app..

When the key’s value is true, the AppConnect app is allowed to use custom keyboards. If the value is false, the app is not allowed to use custom keyboards.

If you do not include the key-value pair for the app, the AppConnect app is allowed to use custom keyboards. However, when the key is not present, an AppConnect app can override this behavior and not allow some or all custom keyboards. Check the app’s documentation for its behavior regarding custom keyboards.

The following table summarizes whether an AppConnect app is allowed to use custom keyboards. The behavior depends on:

  • whether the app is a wrapped app or SDK app
  • whether the release of AppConnect that the app uses supports the key MI_AC_IOS_ALLOW_CUSTOM_KEYBOARDS.
  • whether you provide the key-value pair MI_AC_IOS_ALLOW_CUSTOM_KEYBOARDS
Table 1. Whether an AppConnect app can use custom keyboards


Key not provided

Key provided and value is true

Key provided and value is false

Wrapped apps

Wrapped with AppConnect 4.0

Custom keyboard use is allowed, but the app can override the behavior and not allow some or all custom keyboards.

Custom keyboard use is allowed

Custom keyboard use is not allowed

Wrapped with versions of AppConnect prior to AppConnect 4.0

Custom keyboard use is not allowed

Key is not applicable.

Custom keyboard use is not allowed

Key is not applicable.

Custom keyboard use is not allowed

SDK apps

Built with AppConnect 4.0

Custom keyboard use is allowed, but the app can override the behavior and not allow some or all custom keyboards.


Custom keyboard use is allowed.


Custom keyboard use isnot allowed

Built with versions of AppConnect prior to AppConnect 4.0

The app determines whether custom keyboard use is allowed.

Key is not applicable.

The app determines whether custom keyboard use is allowed.

Key is not applicable.

The app determines whether custom keyboard use is allowed.