Enabling AppTunnel

If you are deploying secure apps developed by your organization or a third party, you need to enable an additional product to secure data-in-motion with these apps. Enable this option only if your organization has purchased AppTunnel.

  1. In the Admin Portal, go to Settings > System Settings > Additional Products > Licensed Products.
  2. Select AppConnect for Third-party and In-house Apps.
  3. Select AppTunnel for Third-party and In-house Apps.
  4. Click Save.

Note The Following:  

  • Do not select this option if you are using AppTunnel only for Docs@Work or Web@Work.
  • The data-in-motion for AppConnect-enabled ActiveSync email apps such as TouchDown for SmartPhones, Email+ for Android, and Email+ for iOS is secure without using AppTunnel. However, if you are using AppTunnel for MobileIron cloud notification service (CNS) for Email+ for iOS, select AppTunnel for Third-party and In-house Apps.

MobileIron Email+ for iOS Guide for Administrators