AppConnect library log messages

The AppConnect library logs information messages, warnings, and errors. Use these log entries combined with your app’s own log entries to debug your app and its use of the SDK.

All AppConnect library log entries begin with:

AppConnect:<log level>

Informational log messages

The AppConnect Library logs the following information messages:

@"[AppConnect:Status] Starting. Library version: %@"

Logged when the app calls -startWithLaunchOptions:. The value of %@ is the version of the AppConnect library.

@"[AppConnect:Status] Checkin interval is unknown; attempting checkin.

Logged when the app runs for the first time, and the AppConnect library is about to contact the the Ivanti client app.

@"[AppConnect:Status] Checkin time is in the past; attempting checkin."

Logged when the checkin interval has expired, and the library is about to contact the Ivanti client app.

@"[AppConnect:Status] User was inactive; triggering passcode challenge."

Logged when the AppConnect passcode auto-lock timeout has expired due to no activity in any AppConnect app. The AppConnect library is about to contact the Ivanti client app to prompt the user to enter the AppConnect passcode.

@"[AppConnect:Status] Secure services are now available."

Logged when the AppConnect library has received the encryption key from the Ivanti client app, making secure services become available.

@"[AppConnect:Status] Secure services are now unavailable."

Logged when secure services become unavailable. This message is logged, for example, when the AppConnect passcode’s auto-lock timeout expires.

@"[AppConnect:Status] App is authorized but secure services are unavailable; attempting checkin."

Logged when an app becomes authorized, but the AppConnect library has not yet received the encryption key from the Ivanti client app. The AppConnect library will check in with the Ivanti client app to get the key.

@"[AppConnect:Status] Stopping."

Logged when the app calls -stop.

API usage errors and warnings

The AppConnect Library logs the following errors and warnings when the app has incorrectly called an API:

@"[AppConnect:Error] AppConnect cannot be instantiated directly. Instead, call +initWithDelegate: and then +sharedInstance."

The app called -init on an AppConnect instance, which is not allowed. Instead, call the static method +initWithDelegate: of the AppConnect class once. Then use the AppConnect class method +sharedInstance to get a reference to the AppConnect singleton.

@"AppConnect error: +initWithDelegate: appConnectDelegate must not be nil."

The app called +initWithDelegate: with a nil appConnectDelegate parameter. Provide as the parameter value an instance of the class that conforms to the AppConnectDelegate protocol.

@"[AppConnect:Error] +initWithDelegate: has already been called. +initWithDelegate: should only be called once per app launch."

The app called +initWithDelegate: more than once.

@"[AppConnect:Error] Application called -authStateApplied:message: with ACPOLICY_UNSUPPORTED. All applications must support all authStates."

Call -authStateApplied:message: with its ACPolicyState parameter set to either ACPOLICY_APPLIED or ACPOLICY_ERROR.

@"[AppConnect:Warning] Attempted to set policy state for a policy that isn't present, type = %i."

This warning is unlikely to occur. The app called one of the notification acknowledgment methods, such as -pasteboardPolicyApplied:message:, on a policy that the AppConnect library has not received from the Ivanti client app. The policy type %i is a value that the AppConnect library uses internally.

@"[AppConnect:Error] AppConnect is unable to start because [UIApplication sharedApplication] is not an instance AppConnectUIApplication."

The call in main.m to the function UIApplicationMain is incorrect. Follow the instructions in Use AppConnect’s UIApplication subclass.

Miscellaneous errors and warning

The AppConnect library logs the following miscellaneous errors and warnings:

@"[AppConnect:Error] Invalid %@: URL."

The AppConnect library received an ac<bundleid>: URL, but the URL was invalid. The AppConnect library discards the URL. The value of %@ is the invalid URL.

If you are having issues using the AppConnect library, report these errors to Ivanti Technical Support.

@"[AppConnect:Error] internal error"

If you are having issues using the AppConnect library, report any errors that begin with @"AppConnect internal error" to Ivanti Technical Support.