Set up Ivanti EPMM

To set up Ivanti EPMM for testing your AppConnect app, do the following high-level steps:

1. Login to the Admin Portal.
2. Enable AppConnect on Ivanti EPMM.
3. Create a label for testing your app.
4. Upload your app to Ivanti EPMM if you use AppConnect.plist.
5. Verify your AppConnect.plist settings.
6. Configure the AppConnect global policy.
7. Create an AppConnect container policy, if necessary.

These instructions are for Ivanti EPMM

Login to the Admin Portal

Contact your organization’s Ivanti EPMM administrator to get the following information about the Ivanti EPMM to test with:

the URL for accessing the Ivanti EPMM’s Admin Portal

The Admin Portal is a web portal for configuring Ivanti EPMM. It has the format:

https://<Ivanti EPMM domain name>/mifs

a username and password for accessing the Admin Portal

a username and password for registering a device with Ivanti EPMM

Depending on your Ivanti EPMM administrator, this username and password can be the same as the username and password for accessing the Admin Portal.

To login to Ivanti EPMM:

1. Open a browser to the URL for accessing the Ivanti EPMM’s Admin Portal.

For example:

2. Enter your Username and Password for accessing the Admin Portal.
3. Click Sign In.

You are now in the Admin Portal.

Enable AppConnect on Ivanti EPMM

To test your AppConnect app, ensure that AppConnect is enabled on Ivanti EPMM.

1. In the Admin Portal, go to Settings.
2. Select Additional Products > Licensed Products.
3. Select AppConnect For Third-party And In-house Apps if it is not already selected.
4. Click Save.

Create a label for testing your app

Ivanti EPMM uses labels to associate policies and apps with devices. For testing your app, create a new label so that your testing impacts only your test device.

1. In the Admin Portal, go to Devices & Users > Labels.
2. Click Add Label.
3. Enter a name for the label.

For example: AppConnect Test

4. Enter a description.

For example: Use only for devices testing new AppConnect apps.

5. Select Manual for the Type.
6. Click Save.

Upload your app to Ivanti EPMM if you use AppConnect.plist

If your app uses an AppConnect.plist, upload your app to Ivanti EPMM. Uploading your app causes Ivanti EPMM to create and populate an AppConnect container policy and AppConnect app configuration with the values you entered in the AppConnect.plist.

To upload your app:

1. In the Admin Portal, select Apps > App Catalog.
2. Select iOS for Platform.
3. Click Add+.

The iOS Add App Wizard starts.

4. Click In-House.
5. Click Browse to select your app’s .ipa file.
6. Click Next.
7. Click Next.
8. Click Finish.

The app is now in Ivanti EPMM’s App Catalog. Ivanti EPMM has created an AppConnect container policy and AppConnect app configuration based on your AppConnect.plist.

9. Select the row listing your app.
10. Select Actions > Apply To Label.
11. Select the label that your created in Create a label for testing your app.
12. Click Apply.

Ivanti EPMM applies the label to your app. It also applies it to the AppConnect container policy and AppConnect app configuration.

Verify your AppConnect.plist settings

Once you have uploaded your app to Ivanti EPMM, verify that the AppConnect.plist settings are correctly reflected in the AppConnect container policy and AppConnect app configuration.

To verify the AppConnect.plist settings:

1. On the Admin Portal, go to Policies & Configs > Configurations.
2. Select the row with the name of your app and the Setting Type APPCONFIG.
3. Click Edit in the right-hand pane.
4. In the App-specific Configurations section, verify the keys and values are what you entered in the AppConnect.plist.
5. Click Cancel.
6. Select the row with the name of your app and the Setting Type APPPOLICY.
7. Click Edit in the right-hand pane.
8. Verify the data loss prevention settings are what you entered in the AppConnect.plist.
9. Click Cancel.

If any of the key-value pairs or data loss prevention policies are not what you expected, review the contents of your AppConnect.plist.

Configure the AppConnect global policy

An AppConnect global policy is necessary for your AppConnect app to work properly.

To configure an AppConnect global policy:

1. In the Admin Portal, select Policies & Configs > Policies.
2. Select Add New > AppConnect.
3. Enter a name for the AppConnect global policy.

For example: Test AppConnect Global Policy.

4. For AppConnect, select Enabled.

The display now shows all the AppConnect global policy fields.

5. In the AppConnect Passcode section, for Passcode Type, select Numeric.
6. In the AppConnect Passcode section, select Passcode Is Required For iOS Devices.
7. Click Save.

The dialog box closes and the new AppConnect global policy appears in the list.

8. Select the AppConnect global policy that you just created.
9. Select More Actions > Apply To Label.
10. Select the test label that you created in Create a label for testing your app.
11. Click Apply.
12. Click OK.

Do not select Authorize in the field Apps Without An AppConnect Container Policy in the section Data Loss Prevention Policies in the AppConnect global policy. You will authorize the app with an AppConnect container policy instead.

Create an AppConnect container policy, if necessary

An app is authorized only if an AppConnect container policy for the app is present on the device. If you have an AppConnect.plist in your app, and uploaded the app to Ivanti EPMM, Ivanti EPMM creates an AppConnect container policy automatically. If you do not have an AppConnect.plist in your app, manually create an AppConnect container policy.

To create an AppConnect container policy:

1. In the Admin Portal, select Policies & Configs > Configurations.
2. Select Add New > AppConnect > Container Policy.
3. Enter a name for the AppConnect container policy.

For example: My App’s Container Policy

4. In the Application field, enter the bundle ID of your app.

For example: com.MyCompany.MySecureApp

5. Click Save.

The dialog box closes and the new AppConnect container policy appears in the list.

6. Select the AppConnect container policy you just created.
7. Select Actions > Apply To Label.
8. Select the test label that you created in Create a label for testing your app.
9. Click Apply.
10. Click OK.