Test AppConnect configuration change handling

AppConnect app configuration on Ivanti EPMM specifies key-value pairs for configuring your app. You add, and edit, key-value pairs using the Admin Portal.

By changing the AppConnect app configuration, you can test your app’s -appConnect:configChangedTo: method in the AppDelegateProtocol.

Create an AppConnect app configuration

To create an AppConnect app configuration:

1. In the Admin Portal, select Policies & Configs > Configurations.
2. Select Add New > AppConnect > App Configuration.
3. Enter a name for the AppConnect app configuration.

For example: My App’s App Configuration

4. In the Application field, enter the bundle ID of your app.

For example: com.MyCompany.MySecureApp

5. In the App-specific Configurations section, click Add+ to add a key-value pair.
6. Enter the key-value pairs.
Table 47.   Key-value pairs in an AppConnect app configurationKey


The key is any string that the app recognizes as a configurable item.

For example: userid, appURL


Enter the value. The value is either:

a string

The string can have any value that is meaningful to the app. It can also include one or more of these Ivanti EPMM variables: $USERID$, $EMAIL$, $USER_CUSTOM1$, $USER_CUSTOM2$, $USER_CUSTOM3$, $USER_CUSTOM4$.

If you do not want to provide a value, enter $NULL$. The $NULL$ value tells the app that the app user will need to provide the value.




a Certificate Enrollment or Certificates setting

Certificate Enrollment and Certificate settings that are configured in Policies & Configs > Configurations appear in the dropdown list. When you choose a Certificate Enrollment or Certificate setting, Ivanti EPMM sends the contents of the certificate as the value. The contents are base64-encoded.

If the certificate is password-encoded, Ivanti EPMM automatically sends another key-value pair. The key’s name is the string <name of key for certificate>_MI_CERT_PW. The value is the certificate’s password.

7. Click Save.
8. Click Yes to confirm.
9. Select the new AppConnect app configuration.
10. Select Actions > Apply To Label.
11. Select iOS.
12. Click Apply.
13. Click OK.

Push the change to your device immediately, by doing the following steps on the device:

1. Launch Mobile@Work.
2. Tap Settings.
3. Tap Check for Updates.
4. Tap Force Device Check-in.

If your app is running, it receives the notification for the new configuration. Otherwise, it receives the notification the next time it runs.

Verify that your app correctly handles the new configuration, correctly applying and using the configured options according to your app’s requirements and design.

Update the AppConnect app configuration

To update the AppConnect app configuration:

1. In the Admin Portal, select Policies & Configs > Configurations.
2. Select the your app’s AppConnect app configuration.
3. Click Edit in the right-hand pane.
4. In the App-specific Configurations section, click Add+ to add a key-value pair. To delete a key-value pair, click the X on the row.
5. Update the key-value pairs as described in Create an AppConnect app configuration.
6. Click Save.
7. Click Yes to confirm.

Push the change to your device immediately, by doing the following steps on the device:

1. Launch Mobile@Work.
2. Tap Settings.
3. Tap Check for Updates.
4. Tap Force Device Check-in.

If your app is running, it receives the notification for the updated configuration. Otherwise, it receives the notification the next time it runs.

Verify that your app correctly handles the updated configuration, correctly applying and using the configured options according to your app’s requirements and design.