What is a dual-mode app?

If your AppConnect app is distributed from the Apple App Store, due to Apple App Store requirements, your app is required to work as either:

an AppConnect app for enterprise users

a regular app for general consumers

Such an app is called a dual-mode app. Using one code base and APIs in the AppConnect for iOS Cordova Plugin, the app automatically decides which way to behave the first time it launches. Running as an AppConnect app, the app supports the AppConnect features, such as authorization, data loss prevention, and secure file I/O. Running as a regular app, the app supports none of the AppConnect features. Furthermore, depending on the app, the functionality available as a regular app can differ significantly from the functionality available as an AppConnect app. For example, as a regular app, the app does not allow the user to access any sensitive enterprise data.

AppConnect apps distributed from the Apple App Store must be dual-mode apps. If you are a third-party app developer, you typically build apps for Apple App Store distribution. If you are an in-house app developer, your apps are typically distributed from the Ivanti server.

When running as an AppConnect app, the app is in AppConnect Mode, because Ivanti, through the Ivanti server, the client app, and the AppConnect library, provides AppConnect management. When running as a regular app, the app is in Non-AppConnect Mode.

IMPORTANT: If your app is not distributed from the Apple App Store and works only as an AppConnect app, ignore the dual-mode capability and associated APIs.