New features summary
These are cumulative new feature summaries. If a release does not appear in this section, then there were no associated new features and enhancements.

- Support for the Microsoft .Net 8 version: The AppConnect 5.2.0 for iOS now supports the Microsoft .Net 8 version.
Support for iOS 18: The AppConnect 5.2 SDK and Wrapper now supports iOS18.

- Mobileiron rebranded as Ivanti: As part of rebranding MobileIron logo is changed to Ivanti and MobileIron text references are changed to Ivanti. For more information, see rebranding KB article. Some product guides might still display the older logo or icons as MobileIron manages the change across the documentation set, but the functionality is unchanged.
- Improved AppConnect app user experience: After user inactivity, user can now enter the passcode in the AppConnect app instead of flipping to the iOS client Applications. But whenever check in timesout happens it flips to client. This feature is disabled by default to the customers, however any AppConnect app can enable this feature by setting the following values in the Managed App configuration on the Ivanti Neurons for MDM Administrative portal respectively.
- Value - True
- Type - Boolean
- OpenSSL library version 3.0.9: The AppConnect iOS app now supports OpenSSL library version 3.0.9.

AppConnect for iOS SDK
Extensible Single Sign-On (SSO) configuration to manage pasteboard permission pop-up: The pasteboard permission feature in iOS 16+ devices displays a notification pop-up asking the user permission before accessing the pasteboard content from another application. Whenever an AppConnect app switches to the client and back, during the normal AppConnect check-in process, a pasteboard pop-up appears.
The Extensible Single Sign-On configuration from the Ivanti EPMM server lets you enable or suppress the banner or pop-ups from appearing on iOS client and AppConnect applications. The AppConnect applications that do not support the Extensible Single Sign-on configuration will continue to use the pasteboard feature and display the banner or pop-up.
The server pushes the Extensible Single Sign-On configuration after the MDM profile is installed. During this interval of a few minutes, the SSO Extension does not work.
The pasteboard banner or pop-up will continue to appear on iOS 16+ devices in the following scenarios:
If the device user performs copy or paste.
While generating AppConnect application logs (since the transmission of log files take place through pasteboard).
If Mobile@Work application or AppConnect application does not support the Extensible Single Sign-On configuration.
For more information, see "Configuring iOS 16 compatibility for AppConnect quick start" in the AppConnect for Ivanti EPMM Guide and the AppConnect for Ivanti Neurons for MDM Guide.
See also the KB article: iOS 16: "Don't Allow Paste" / "Allow Paste" pop-ups from AppConnect apps.
Support for iOS 16 added: Apps developed with AppConnect 4.9.0 or the apps wrapped with the AppConnect 4.9.0 for iOS wrapper work as expected on iOS 16 devices. For more information, see Support and compatibility.
AppConnect for iOS Cordova Plugin
There are no new features for this version.
AppConnect for iOS App Wrapper
Extensible Single Sign-On (SSO) configuration to manage pasteboard permission pop-up: The pasteboard permission feature in iOS 15+ devices displays a notification pop-up asking the user permission before accessing the pasteboard content from another application. Whenever an AppConnect app switches to the client and back, during the normal AppConnect check-in process, a pasteboard popup appears.
Configuring and distributing an Extensible Single Sign-On configuration from Ivanti EPMM lets you enable or suppress the pop-ups from appearing in the iOS client and in each AppConnect app. The applications that do not support the Extensible Single Sign-on configuration will continue to use the pasteboard feature and display the pop-up.
The pasteboard pop-up will continue to appear on iOS 15+ devices in the following scenarios:
If the device user performs copy or paste.
While generating AppConnect application logs (since the transmission of log files take place through pasteboard).
If Mobile@Work application or AppConnect application does not support the Extensible Single Sign-On configuration.
For more information, see "Configuring iOS 16 compatibility for AppConnect quick start" in the AppConnect for iOS App Wrapping Developers Guide.
See also the KB article: iOS 16: "Don't Allow Paste" / "Allow Paste" pop-ups from AppConnect apps.

AppConnect for iOS SDK App
Distribution using XCFramework: The AppConnect SDK is distributed using XCFramework. As a result, the SDK has the following updates:
The sample apps are updated to use the new SDK.
The test apps are updated to use the new SDK.
Removed the AppConnectResources.bundle.
Removed the shell script.
AppConnect.framework is replaced with AppConnect.xcframework.
AppConnectExtension.framework is replaced with AppConnectExtension.xcframework.
Actions and references for AppConnectResources.bundle and shell script are removed from the following sections:
AppConnect for iOS SDK contents
SDK 3.1 through 3.5 upgrade task list
Add AppConnect files and settings to your Xcode project
See Apple documentation on XCFrameworks integration:
AppConnect for iOS Cordova Plugin
- Distribution using XCFramework: The AppConnect Cordova Plugin is distributed using XCFramework. As a result, the SDK has the following updates:
The sample apps are updated to use the new SDK.
The test apps are updated to use the new SDK.
Removed the AppConnect.framework.
Removed the shell script.
Actions and references for for AppConnect.framework and shell scrip are removed from the following sections:
- Upgrade tasks: Replaced AppConnect.framework with Appconnect.xcframework and added a step to exclude build phases that used to the run script. See "Upgrade tasks" in the AppConnect for iOS Cordova Plugin Developers Guide.
- Update Xcode project settings: Removed references to the shell script. See "Update Xcode project settings" in the AppConnect for iOS Cordova Plugin Developers Guide.
See Apple documentation on XCFrameworks integration:
AppConnect for iOS App Wrapper
There are no new features for this version.