App-specific configuration API details

The AppConnect for iOS API provides properties and methods that allow an app to receive app-specific configuration from the Ivanti server. For an overview of this feature, see Configuration specific to the app.

The config property

The read-only config property on the AppConnect singleton is an NSDictionary object. It contains the current key-value pairs for the app-specific configuration.

Whenever changes to the key-value pairs occur, the AppConnect library:

1. updates the config property
2. calls the -appConnect:configChangedTo: method to provide your app the current configuration.

When your app launches:

Get the singleton AppConnect object and call its
-startWithLaunchOptions: method.

Wait for the -appConnectIsReady: callback method before accessing the config property.

After the -appConnectIsReady: callback method is called, check the value of the config property. It contains the key-value pairs, if any, that are configured on the Ivanti server for the app. If no key-value pairs are configured, the config property is an NSDictionary object with no entries.

Apply the configuration according to your application’s requirements and logic.

App-specific configuration methods

Your app uses the following methods to receive app-specific configuration updates and report how the app handled the updates.

The -appConnect:configChangedTo: callback method

You optionally implement this method, which is in the AppConnectDelegate protocol:


-(void) appConnect:(AppConnect *)appConnect configChangedTo:(NSDictionary *)newConfig;

Implement this method only if your app uses app-specific configuration key-value pairs that the Ivanti server administrator configures on the server Admin Portal.

When a change has occurred to the app-specific configuration on the Ivanti server, the AppConnect library:

1. Sets the config property on the AppConnect object to the new NSDictionary value.
2. Calls the -appConnect:configChangedTo: method, which provides the new NSDictionary value in its parameter.

Your app then:

applies the new configuration according to your application’s requirements and logic.

calls the -configApplied:message: method.

The -configApplied:message: acknowledgment method

After your app processes the information provided in the callback method, it must call this acknowledgment method on the AppConnect singleton:


-(void)configApplied:(ACPolicyState)policyState message:(NSString *)message;

Your app passes the following parameters to this method:

the ACPolicyState value that represents the success or failure of handling the app-specific configuration updates.

Pass the value ACPOLICY_APPLIED if the app successfully handled the updates. Otherwise, pass the value ACPOLICY_ERROR. Pass the value ACPOLICY_UNSUPPORTED if your app does not support app-specific configuration. If you do not implement the -configApplied:message method, the AppConnect singleton behaves as if you passed it ACPOLICY_UNSUPPORTED.

an NSString explaining the ACPolicyState value.

Typically, you use this string to report the reason the app failed to apply the app-specific configuration updates. The string is reported in the Ivanti server log files.