New features summary
These are cumulative new feature summaries. If a release does not appear in this section, then there were no associated new features and enhancements. For a complete list of new features, known and resolved issues, and limitations, see the AppConnect for iOS Release Notes.

- Support for the Microsoft .Net 8 version: The AppConnect 5.2.0 for iOS now supports the Microsoft .Net 8 version.
Support for iOS 18: The AppConnect 5.2 SDK and Wrapper now supports iOS18.

- Distribution using XCFrameworks: The AppConnect SDK is distributed using XCFramework. As a result, the SDK has the following updates:
The sample apps are updated to use the new SDK.
The test apps are updated to use the new SDK.
Removed the AppConnectResources.bundle.
Removed the shell script.
AppConnect.framework is replaced with AppConnect.xcframework.
AppConnectExtension.framework is replaced with AppConnectExtension.xcframework.
Actions and references for AppConnectResources.bundle and shell scrip are removed from the following sections -
See Apple documentation on XCFrameworks integration:
Certificate-based authentication for AppConnect apps that use WKWebView: Adding the AppConnect 4.8.0 SDK to your apps that use WKWebView allows the apps to authenticate to enterprise services using identity certificates. Previously, only AppConnect apps using UIWebView were supported.
Set up certificate-based authentication using the keys MI_AC_CLIENT_CERT_# and MI_AC_CLIENT_CERT_#_RULE. For information about configuring certificate-based authentication, see "Setting up certificate authentication from an AppConnect app" in the MobileIron Core AppConnect Guide or the MobileIron Cloud AppConnect Guide.
- Content changes for rebranding and distribution: Product documentation has been rebranded to align with Ivanti standards and is now available on the Ivanti documentation website.