New features and enhancements summary

The following new features and enhancements are provided with this release:

  • Support for Android 11 and targetSdkVersion=30: AppConnect applies necessary changes to AndroidManifest.xml if the app uses targetSdkVersion=30.

    See "Generation 1 and Generation 2 support for commonly used app capabilities" in the MobileIron AppConnect for Android App Developers Guide.

  • Support for scoped storage: The Generation 2 wrapper supports scoped storage. If the targetSdkVersion of the app is set to 30, ensure that the app is wrapped with the Generation 2 Wrapper.

    IMPORTANT: If the targetSdkVersion of the app is 29 and the app uses scoped storage, you can wrap with the Generation 1 Wrapper. However, the Generation 1 wrapper does not support scoped storage. Therefore, before wrapping your app with the Generation 1 wrapper ensure that android:requestLegacyExternalStorage=""true"" in AndroidManifest.xml.

    See "Support for scoped storage" in the MobileIron AppConnect for Android App Developers Guide.

  • Rebranding: MobileIron has updated the Secure Apps Manager (SAM) icon and user interface color scheme.

  • Restrict data sharing: Added wrapper for BlobStoreManager.Session.allowPublicAccess() which, in wrapped apps, behaves like the allowSameSignatureAccess() call. This prevents wrapped apps from providing access to unwrapped apps.

    See "Generation 1 and Generation 2 support for commonly used app capabilities" in the MobileIron AppConnect for Android App Developers Guide.

  • Notification sound: Added support for Notification.Builder.setSound(...) and NotificationChannel.setSound(...). This support provides a fix for AWE-1062, allowing Samsung XCover devices to receive sound notifications.

  • Value for android:extractNativeLibs: AppConnect checks the attribute value for android:extractNativeLibs in AndroidManifest.xml and changes the value to true if the value is false. AppConnect does this as a workaround because loading Android native libraries directly from the APK is not supported.

  • Updates for Realm Database: Updated flock() to be compatible with the Realm database library.

    See "Generation 1 and Generation 2 support for commonly used app capabilities" in the MobileIron AppConnect for Android App Developers Guide.

  • The Gallery is not allowed pop up: The pop up is no longer seen every time the Secure Apps Manager receives a MEDIA_SCANNER_SCAN_FILE broadcast. Previously, the pop up was seen due to the limitation introduced by Android Q, which prohibits starting an activity from the background.

  • AccountManager.removeAccountExplicitly: Added support for AccountManager.removeAccountExplicitly.

For new features and enhancements provided in previous AppConnect for Android releases, see the release notes for those releases at AppConnect for Android Product Documentation Home Page.